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Author Topic: Sinister and Outcry  (Read 2199 times)


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Sinister and Outcry
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:55:18 AM »
Saw both of these in action yesterday, and the Outcry especially looked REALLY good.  Bowled a sweeper on Mexico City, and with a little speed control, the Outcry was still revving and making a nice clean turn on the back, a look that nobody else really had.  Sinister also looked good, but at the time the staffer using it pulled it out, the lanes were at a weird point in the transition where nobody really had a good look with anything, but it still looked as good or better than anything anybody else was using.  Pretty sure I'm drilling one of those.  Drilled a Hyroad solid last week and it's frustrating at best.  Does absolutely nothing on any kind of oil even with surface, and with any surface on a house shot just acts weird.  Cover is way stronger than the core, just a bad combination. 
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Re: Sinister and Outcry
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 08:46:40 AM »
I picked one of these up (Outcry) Saturday.  I waited for the folks at the alley to re-oil the lane for me.  Even with fresh oil (and this house puts a very decent amount of oil down) this ball was fantastic.  Clean through the front (even with the 4000 surface) and a big left turn downlane.  I was really really impressed with what I saw.  I'm curious to see how I fare on my league which puts down a pretty light oil load everywhere on the lane and leads to quick transitions.  I honestly think that it's still going to work well.  From what I saw on the fresh, I should be able to play across center arrow out to bounce it off the dry with good results.  Time will tell - tomorrow night.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Sinister and Outcry
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 09:47:09 AM »
     We started our league last Thursday and I usually start season with 2 new rocks. Last year I use Byte and IQ Fusion all season at house #1 and Byte and Zero Gravity at house #2.
     House #1 just put new Pro Anvilanes in over the summer and the house shot is a modified Route 66 that has been tweaked to a 6.25 ratio putting it in the recreation shot.
     I decided to start season with Sinister and Outcry. Had real good look with Sinister first game playing 12-8. Very strong when it comes out of oil. Switched to Outcry once pattern started transitioning about middle if game 2 and did not carry one pocket shot in 18 frames. Left a lot of 10 pins and even practice next day with same results. Will definately have to do some surface change on Outcry if I want to use at house #1. I will try at house #2 first.
     Sinister is laid out 50x3 3/4x40 and left in box condition. Outcry is 80x4 3/4x35 and in box condition. Layout on Outcry is same as what is on my Rising Star. I do think these 2 will be a great 1-2 punch with right surface.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: Sinister and Outcry
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 07:05:40 PM »
I picked up the Sinister last Saturday.  I was able to get on the lanes for a couple of practice games. I dont have exact specs, but I have a pin over ring, stronger layout. The lanes did have some oil. All I can say is this ball recovers. It gets through the heads very easy, then gets into a roll and then makes a strong move through the deck, but it doesnt over react or jump violently, but it is strong were you have to keep the speed up or it will go noise. Imo to compare this ball would be a much stronger "Soul'' in the back end.
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