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Author Topic: OK, narrowed it to 2!  (Read 1069 times)


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OK, narrowed it to 2!
« on: January 12, 2006, 09:55:44 AM »
I am looking at either a Silver streak SE or an Epic.  No Matter which I get it would be sanded to 1500 and polished.  Could you compare the two, as I said before, I cover alot of boards being a cranker/stroker hybrid.  Which will be stronger, longer, carry better and be more forgiving.  Also how durable are the coverstocks, I worry about buying a lesser priced ball like the SSSE, I always feel like there is a reason they are so much cheaper.  I carry a 204 average and would like a ball that is going to help my strike percentage.  Thanks again in advance for any help guys and after this topic I won't bother you again except to tell you how the new ball is working.  Thanks



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Re: OK, narrowed it to 2!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2006, 07:04:23 PM »
You want the SSSE .. you'll use it more often. THe core is strong but relatively controllable, the fabulous cover is a major fact in the skid/flip equation.

The reason they are cheaper is that less research and development goes into midline and entry level cores and covers, they are usually derived from former top end balls which being completely new have to have a lot of money spent on their development initially.
at - Get a Grip

Nice explanation on the mid-price thing.  A great example would be the Monster line Brunswick had a few years back.  The technology in those balls were cores and covers Brunswick used in the 90s.  On the quantums and zones.   Heck, look at the Monster bruiser.  Old school mushroom core with powerkoil 18, two "legends" yet it was a mid priced ball, for the reasons Dave stated.

I've heard nothing but good things about the SSSE by the way.
- Andy


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Re: OK, narrowed it to 2!
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2006, 03:22:56 PM »
Thanks for all the help guys, I think I am gonna try the SSSE.  I will let you know sometime if Feb how it is working.  If anyone is interested in a Hybrid Dirty Bomb from Lane 1 I have one for sale or trade for the right Roto Grip ball.  Slightly used, 15 lbs.

P.S. ragnrk, I love that Stewie line, that was the funniest episode I have ever seen.  I laughed so hard I cryed and couldn't breathe when I saw that.


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Re: OK, narrowed it to 2!
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2006, 03:25:17 PM »
SS SE !!! Definitely will NOT disappoint !!! And leave the coverstock alone to maintain its versatility ...
DAMN, I LOVE this game !!!

Robb in O'Fallon, IL (near Scott AFB)
**** Official "L/LM" ball "junkie" ****
 "Master the Lanes with Legendary hitting power" !!!

Robb in O Fallon, IL 62269 (near Scott AFB)
LAYBZZ74@AOL.COM (Email addy)


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Re: OK, narrowed it to 2!
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2006, 03:32:15 PM »
i have the epic and it is great for the flooded middles that you come across.  next on my list is the ssse to compliment the epic.  the epic is my first roto grip ball and will not be the last.