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Author Topic: Older ball (Retro) bails me out at league...  (Read 998 times)


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Older ball (Retro) bails me out at league...
« on: January 09, 2007, 01:31:51 PM »
I've been trying to come out of a slump for months and on top of that, my wife and I just moved to a new city with a new bowling center and new lanes and new lane conditions.

My new house is drier than I've been accustomed to and I've been all through my arsenal trying to find something to throw on it. The closest I'd come yet was a Track Arsenal Angular, but it was still a little touchy.

Prior to league tonight, I thought just for giggles, I'll take this old Retro Resurrection I have. I bought it used, and you can look at it and tell this ball had seen a lot of work. The cover seems to be pretty oil-soaked already. It's been plugged and redrilled at least five times (at least the plug work is good).

It carries great, but it was just too used up to use at my old house, which had a pretty wet shot out. I took this ball and one other with me.

I was planning to use the other ball (an overseas Columbia Ricochet Revenge) tonight but it was already pretty dry in practice, so I started with the Retro.

All three games were over my average. My second game, I opened up with the front six before shooting in the 230s. I had a great look and recovery, and the ball wasn't nearly as jumpy as some of my other equipment I've used lately.

Best yet, I had a little tug and push room, but if I made too big of a mistake, I got what I deserved. In other words, no surprises.

The shot won't be changing anytime soon, so the Retro now has a permanent place in the bag on Tuesdays. I've got less than $40 in the whole ball, and what a bargain.

I wish I could have seen this ball when it was new. I bet it was a beast. But it's doing its job now. There's a tip for some of you -- if you're looking for a dry lane ball, just get an older ball out of the closet before you go spend $200 for something you're trying to get not to hook. (g)




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Re: Older ball (Retro) bails me out at league...
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 08:02:00 AM »
And here I thought it was going to be some luv for the Retro Blue (which is what I think of when I hear Roto and Retro in the same line).


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Re: Older ball (Retro) bails me out at league...
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2007, 08:16:55 AM »
I always have one ball that is old in the bag at the moment two, an old Urethane Nitro, and a Columbia300 Surge both work great when the lanes are wasted and my strong stuff has a little to much
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Re: Older ball (Retro) bails me out at league...
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2007, 09:37:18 AM »
And here I thought it was going to be some luv for the Retro Blue (which is what I think of when I hear Roto and Retro in the same line).
or Retro Red (which I last night for my third game).  Most of what I use in leagues anymore is at least 2 years old, some even older, like the Retro Red.