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Author Topic: One lane flooded, other lane dry, both with carrydown, lots of!  (Read 1314 times)


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Tonight I bowled a wonderful 510. Salute. I had a 144, 186 180. Ouch. And it was in conditions I've never faced before. One lane was very wet, flooded, lots of lots of carrydown. The other lane was dry, with lots of carrydown. As my first game shows, it took me a little while to figure that out as it didn't show up that much in practice. I ended up using the Epic battle, standing on 17, throwing over 10 for most of the first game, all the second and half the third before switching to the Epic. On the other lane I switched to the Silver Streak SE midway through the second game from the Epic (which I started with on both lanes) and stayed with that the rest of the way bowling over the 10, later the 12 or 13 board from 25. Now....along with the fact that the lane conditions didn't allow me a chance to get "comfortable" on either lane, is the fact that I wasn't bowling all that well either from a accuracy standpoint. My 510 lead my team in scoring for the night. One bowler we had, who happens to be one of the best bowlers I've ever seen, with lots and lots of honor scores..a scratch bowler to say the least...had a 505 series.

Now...this was the first time I've run into such a vast difference between lanes with carrydown on both so mentally they won. Okay....first question: any suggestions as to how to better cope with such conditions mentally? Second question, any ideas as to how better to combat those conditions physically. I also had a Saturn and Mercury with me. piece of good news. In the NM state tournement, my first time every, I actually cashed! Not much, only twenty-two dollars, but I did cash my first time out. I'm a little proud of that...not much but a little.



Big Jake

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 Well, don't feel bad as those type of scores happen to everyone thats part of the beauty of bowling

 Anyway, for me when its flooded which I really like now that I've got the Epic-Battle what I do is change from my regular bowling style which is kinda med-fast. So what I mean is when I hold the Epic-Battle on the approach (for flooded conditions)

 I hold the ball low, very low so that my arm is almost straight down but my hand is cupped. When I do this it prevents me from having a straight out push-away which would make me have a lot more speed, which I don't want when its flooded.

 Also, by doing this I have a much more slower release and I get a lot more hand into the ball which makes the ball turn in and setup more quickly. I also stand around the 22 board (with my right foot) and kinda throw it out 'tween the 2nd 3rd arrow.

 So it goes long, skids throught the oil hits the dry which at my house is around the 9 board and then turns in and finishes like a freaking's a beautiful thing

 Well, thats how I handle the oil. Last night in the first league game the lanes had its usual med-heavy oil on it and I employed this same tactic and I almost shot a 300. I shoot the first 7 then in the 8th I had my typical brain fart just as I was about to let go of the ball, so it came off of my hand poorly and I left a very getable spare but I missed it <ouch>

 So I open in the 8th and then I punch out <sigh!> 11 stikes but no 300. Last week doing the same thing with pretty much the same conditions also in the 1st game I shoot the first 10 and then bury it in the 11th and left the 10 pin <ouch>

 After the oil dries up I have found for me what I do then is pull out my Epic
and will use that usually the rest of the night, however, since the heavy oil is
now gone I now hold the Epic up by my waist and will have a standard push away

 so I can have some speed again so the ball will now turn it later. I also pretty much will stand near the same place where I was with the Epic-Battle of course the lane conditions will dictate that but I think you get the point.

Congrats on you cashing I hope thats just the start of many cash-in's  

Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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on floods and carrydown I find it best to slow down and move to the right and let the ball do the work and take the mental you were mentioning out of the game, with 2 vastly different lane conditions I'd probally use two different balls the Battle or Epic on the flood and a med. ball on the dry. That would be my approach to the quandry.
X's for show, /'s for dough

Jesse James

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Hey Cnimsk,

Don't feel bad at all. I encountered this very same condition at a house I was subbing at recently. Just do what Roto Mab suggested. It works well. I was using a different ball on each lane, and two different lines as well.

I was swinging the ball on the lane with the running backends and mids. I was being very slow and deliberate on the slick lane, going up the boards, and considerably more right on the approach.

Shot a 508 set, high on my team, but considerably lower than my regular 192 average.

These things happen. It's all about adjustments. Just do your best. You may not get a lot of strikes, but it's nice to stay relatively clean, compared to everyone else.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!

Jesse James

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Oh....I forgot to mention that I was using a Hammer Doom on the drier lane and a Roto Grip RSP on the super slick lane.

I thought it worked relatively well. Better execution on my part would have certainly made it much more successful, though.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!