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Author Topic: Epic Battle  (Read 854 times)

Matt Fortney

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Epic Battle
« on: June 13, 2007, 07:55:20 PM »
Usually not a big fan of particle stuff, but thinking about drilling this one. Curious if I'm going to see any angularity with it. Also, what would be the best way to drill it to produce the most angularity possible? Thanks in advance.




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Re: Epic Battle
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 04:23:41 AM »

The Epic Battle is a very smooth, strong, big movement ball in oil OOB, of course depending layout.. I had one drilled 5" @ 315*, when i was throwing 16 lb, very smooth.. The one i have now is a lot more angular.. But i changed the surface to 4000 Abralon to get more push in the fronts and now reacts harder on the backend.. I like this ball for when the heads are gone and i need something that will push far enough from very deep but still is controllable with a lot of recovery..

Epic Battle - 4000 Abralon - Pin 2" above ML - 3 1/2" @ 70* - X-hole inside VAL in thumb quadrant -


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Re: Epic Battle
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2007, 05:15:02 PM »
but you bought a cadillac and you are hauling manuer in it . the battle is a much better ball than that i wouldnt waste my time on buying a heavy oil ball and then using it for when the heads are fried unless it wasnt a good heavy oil ball.That being said, depending on what you are looking for the odyssey imho is stronger and more angular than the battle. It might be my pin placement as they arent drilled the same,battle is at 4 inches from pap with pin right of and above the ring finger,and the odyssey is 5 inches with pin under bridge. the odyssey is smooth ,forgiving and responds to changes in release and hand position. it lets you know what it will and will not do ,but with a change it will respond. If ,knowing what i know now,had a choice to make between the 2 i would buy 3 odysseys. Did i mention it is also more versatile. By it not being partice its also lower maintainance than the battle. Odyssey hands down for med to oily conditions.
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