Remember the core in these balls is all non-existent to the extenet that if you're trying to reduce the flare, it's already 1", 2" max, with an RG diff of around .018", roughly that of a pancake core.
I think you went "way round the bend" with a 6" pin.

Plus the RG is already very high, around 2.6". I can see putting the pin above the ring finger, around 5" or 5.5" pin to PAP, but more than that, why? to what purpose? It's not as if the RG were 2.5 and the differential were .050.
while some pin manipulation can be useful, do it with a definite purpose in mind, not just to be extreme, EVEN if you have Robert Smith amount of revs.
I can see doing this to an Odyssey or even a Horizon; I can't understand doing it to a Neptune or a Pluto.
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