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Author Topic: polishing the Odessey  (Read 2466 times)


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polishing the Odessey
« on: September 19, 2007, 11:02:21 PM »
is it just me, or does the Epic Odessey suck when polished.....mine ends up being snappy and speed sensative....anyone else having this problem??



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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2007, 07:17:32 AM »
mine ends up being snappy and speed sensative....

Hmmm...lets see here:

~Strong aysm core
~Strong solid reactive cover
~Clean backends

Why would it NOT be snappy and speed sensative ?

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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2007, 07:38:42 AM »
ok i guess i left myself open to that one....what i meant was, if i take a little off of it, it will go straight on me, and if i hit it, i get a skip/snap reaction. and i have enough stuff that can do that...
when i had it in OOB condition, it didnt snap, but kinda rolled up hard, and was alot more predictable...almost more forgiving.
              0 0    pin 1/4 above ring finger
              .      CG 1" from center of grip

               0     speed 17/18 MPH      

does that help out a little bit more?


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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2007, 07:46:59 AM »
Depending on your revs and PAP, that layout is a length and snappy drill. Pin up is for length (saves energy) and that MB close to the thumb is a "strong" position.

Also...Checked your profile, Love the first line !

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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2007, 07:54:26 AM »
I put a light coat of Finesse-It on my Odyssey and I like the reaction.  When I first used it OOB, it was burning up and losing all its energy.  I have mine drilled pin in ring finger with the MB in a strong position.  The center where I bowl league isn't putting enough oil out for me to use it, unless I change the coverstock, but I have other balls to use.
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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2007, 08:37:23 AM »
I too didn't like my Odyssey polished.  Mine had a better reaction at 4000grit.  Still great midlane read but really strong downlane.   I would either try a lower grit sanding before polishing (i.e 400 or 600) or hitting with 4000grit to eliminate some of the squirlyness.
Anthony Chapman

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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2007, 10:17:09 AM »
I have one polished and I love it for league conditions where the heads start to go a bit but there is some carrydown.   Clean through the front and a strong positive reaction in the back.

Mine is finished at 800 then polished.
Mike Sinek
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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2007, 08:10:59 PM »
isnt 800 polished comparsable to 2000 dull. I guess i understand the reason some might want to polish the odyssey,its a great ball and u want it to be more versatile,but i think that if you polished it and it didnt work you would just chalk it up to the ball not being designed for lighter conditions ,take it back to oob, and get a horizon.
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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2007, 02:04:11 AM »
I am not saying that its probably not a good ball, i think that here in Germany, there isnt enough head oil to keep it from rolling to early and dying out, that is why i polished it in the first place, to get it down the lane.  but anyways...thanks for the comments, i will try it when i get back to the states, my tour here in Germany is Finished in two weeks and i am going to El Paso Tx....i will see how it works out there in the Desert.
Thanks for the advise,


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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2007, 02:04:12 AM »
I am not saying that its probably not a good ball, i think that here in Germany, there isnt enough head oil to keep it from rolling to early and dying out, that is why i polished it in the first place, to get it down the lane.  but anyways...thanks for the comments, i will try it when i get back to the states, my tour here in Germany is Finished in two weeks and i am going to El Paso Tx....i will see how it works out there in the Desert.
Thanks for the advise,

Rotoman Dan

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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2007, 10:36:00 PM »
I think we have to remember what type of ball the Odyssey is - highly dynamic with potential to make extremely aggressive direction changes off areas of friction....If you match it right it'll be incredible but if you don't it's going to drive you nuts.

Mark I for one would tend to agree with you.  This ball is a very strong ball - and if you don't have a good amount of head oil, I think you are using the wrong rock.  I haven't used my Odyssey in about 2 months...the last time was in a PBA Experience league on the 44' Shark pattern.  I have mine polished up, and had a great look going slightly out from 12 at the arrows to 10 at the breakpoint that night.  The Odyssey was just killing the shot on that line and I avg'd about 220 when the next closest competitor was around 205.

That being said, I haven't had occasion to use it since.

My favorite Epic is also the Saga, which I have highly polished.  The next ball up is my Mystic which is at 4000-abralon.  Just last time out I clicked off 15 in a row with the Mystic playing between 4th-5th arrow on a 2nd-shift league.  Mystic evened it out very nicely.

Anyway, I agree with Mark - you need to pick the right ball for the job at hand.  If the ball is too over/under, pick another one.



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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2007, 10:49:32 PM »
i just polished my odyssey on accident. Had som knicks in it and the guy was supposed to take it to 500 for the shot i was using ,but i am pretty sure he didnt cause it wasnt moving at all. So i put iit in the luster king and it came out looking like glass. needless to say i couldnt use it like that on the heavy oil but tonight in league on a 37 foot shot with stripped backends the ball was very good. good recovery and great carry. Unfortunately i am right back in the same old rutt.Another med oil ball.
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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2007, 10:54:58 PM »
i just polished my odyssey on accident. Had som knicks in it and the guy was supposed to take it to 500 for the shot i was using ,but i am pretty sure he didnt cause it wasnt moving at all. So i put iit in the luster king and it came out looking like glass. needless to say i couldnt use it like that on the heavy oil but tonight in league on a 37 foot shot with stripped backends the ball was very good. good recovery and great carry. Unfortunately i am right back in the same old rutt.Another med oil ball.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

toomanytenpins, I'm not sure what your doing or how little hand you have, but the Odyssey is a very strong ball for oil...With the cover at 500 you have to use it on some serious oil or the ball would roll out at the arrows !
Using older Lane #1 again

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Rotoman Dan

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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2007, 07:36:19 AM »

i just polished my odyssey on accident. Had som knicks in it and the guy was supposed to take it to 500 for the shot i was using ,but i am pretty sure he didnt cause it wasnt moving at all. So i put iit in the luster king and it came out looking like glass. needless to say i couldnt use it like that on the heavy oil but tonight in league on a 37 foot shot with stripped backends the ball was very good. good recovery and great carry. Unfortunately i am right back in the same old rutt.Another med oil ball.

Actually, this isn't surprising after putting the ball in the luster king machine.  The use of a luster king (ball polishing machine) on resin bowling balls will clog your ball’s pores with a heavy wax material and any dirt on the ball or in the machine will be buffed into the porous surface (this is what makes resin so popular) and greatly reduce ball reaction.  Polishes that are designed to work on reactive bowling balls don't clog the pores when they polish, so that you get more length - but still have snap on the backend.  

You'll need to clean out the pores to restore the reaction, and to be honest - the only way I know to do that would be to sand the ball down to take off the outer surface that is now clogged with wax.  Then *if* you want it polished back up, use a reactive polish from your proshop and save the luster king for your plastic spare ball.



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Re: polishing the Odessey
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2007, 06:20:02 PM »
i actually like it polished i just bought another one i am having drilled stronger and going to take to 500
my style, the art of bowling without bowling