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Author Topic: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .  (Read 1570 times)

Reality Check

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Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« on: April 19, 2005, 02:41:20 AM »
. . . . But am curious - Is Roto Grip equipment very similar to storm equipment in terms of 'roll' and reactions? Have never thrown any roto equipment, but have had an up and down relationship with storm equipment and although I have the chance to get some roto-grip stuff, am just wary as to what to expect. Am I worrying for no reason?
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.


D McLaughlin

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Re: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 11:08:02 AM »
From having thrown a fair amount of both, I can say that I have found "most" Storm stuff to be archy overall.  That isn't to say there aren't Storm balls out there that are angular....there just appeared to be few of them that had much "strength" at the breakpoint.  Having said that, I have found RotoGrip stuff to show a nice blend of arc and strength throughout their line.  The RS-1 is as angular, if not more, than any ball I have ANY company.  The Apocalypse is another ball that leaves nothing in the bag at the breakpoint.  While the Oracle and Silver Streak Solid show more smooth, arcing motions....they can also be setup to "kick" the breakpoint.  Not telling you what to buy....just hope this helps answer your question.  I think you will be VERY pleased with the predictable reactions and dependability of the RotoGrip line.
Weekly bowling league...$25
Pitcher of beer....$6
Taking a Lane#1 user's wallet with a RotoGrip ball that cost half as much....PRICELESS!!!
Some balls are overpriced and over-hyped....for everything else...there is RotoGrip.
Darren McLaughlin

Reality Check

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Re: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 11:13:12 AM »
Have been offered an Oracle and a Silver Streak Particle. Would these be useable as (respectively) an oil ball and the next step down from it? I have been using a Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct Pearl respectively, and am looking to replace them in my tournament line up.
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.


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Re: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2005, 11:49:11 AM »
i would think the SSparticle would be better as the next step down due to it's core/cover strength....w/ a nice polish on it........keep the Oracle dull and drill to roll......nice 1-2 combo there !

Roto has the best balls per dollar anywhere !! hands down!
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Re: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2005, 11:53:33 AM »
I've never thrown Roto, but from what I've seen and heard, you have no reason to worry.  Everyone I know that has thrown a Roto ball has been happy with what they ended up with.
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Re: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2005, 02:34:34 PM »
  You find a little bit of everything with Roto, thats why I like them.  Go ahead and get the Oracle and SSParticle.  But I would do the opposite of what JeffRevs suggest...Keep the SSParticle Dull and polish the Oracle, you will get a better read in TRUE oil with the SSParticle because it is a much higher load particle than the Oracle, and with Polish on the Oracle you find that it reacts more like a Strong Resin piece and you will not experience as much burn out or roll out with a lot of Particle balls on the market when it finds a few dry boards.  Keep us posted on what you do!!

Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Possibly A Silly Question . . . .
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2005, 02:58:35 PM »
well.....BMM is "kind of right"

The "load" is the same ....medium.....on both balls....the particle 'size' is the difference.....where the Oracle has a smaller particle size thus giving it more of a resin look to it....

The Oracle however has a stronger overall coverstock....

Let me briefly explain why I said Oracle dull/SSP polished....

Because (according to Roger) the Oracle is not meant to be polished...I'm sure people have done it with success, however..the true design of the ball was to be left at about 800 matte (or more dull) performs 'best' there...PLUS, I said...the Oracles cover is stronger overall

Whereas, ... the SSP CAN be polished very well, and the reaction w/ that cover and core combo is always fantastic as the "streak freaks" will attest to !

Hope that makes sense.....

BMM...I understand your logic TOTALLY....and one would think that would be the obvious...just another piece of the puzzle to think about......
"Chance to squint at a sky so blue that it hurts your eyes just to look at it."

Edited on 4/19/2005 2:53 PM