Been really liking the saga recently, and, and my last 2 sets have been pretty good... in our most recent ranking tournament I struggled most of the day, and with 3 games to go changed to the saga finishing off with 246 223 269 (738), so the following day, this past Monday, I went in with the intention of playing a similar line to see if it would work on the fresh.. and it did

265 first game, then in the second I started with a strike, followed by pocket 7-10, then 8 strikes, and a 9-pin tap on the 11th ball - 255. Final game left the 2-4 first shot, followed it with 8 strikes, then a 10pin in the 10th, subsequently missed! - 245 - for a 765 series.... with 3 opens! lol
Still, Well impressed with the Saga
