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Author Topic: pro cg quest  (Read 1531 times)


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pro cg quest
« on: November 04, 2007, 07:23:13 AM »
i just purchased a pro cg quest from ebay and i am curious if there is anyone out there that has one and is the ball worth keeping and getting drilled up or should i just cut my losses and resell the ball before i decide to drill it up.i haven't received it yet but any opinion would be greatly received.i would love to keep the ball for my friday league due to the heavier oil pattern that they put out but i'm afraid that my pro shop guy would have trouble getting the drilling layout correct so the ball will have a nice strong angular move to the pocket.please,any advice would be nice.




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Re: pro cg quest
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2007, 03:28:36 PM »
A pro CG ball is worth keeping if you are RH and the CG falls to the left of a line drawn through the pin and MB.  If you are LH the ball is a keeper if the opposite is true about the CG mark.

That's the basic rule anyhow.  I kept my Archon even though it was a better ball for a lefty than it was for me, a righty.  

Cool thing is, with the layout I went with, the CG landed pretty much on my PAP.  With only 2 oz. of TW, the ball worked fine for me.
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Re: pro cg quest
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2007, 04:37:19 PM »
i have a pro cg odyssey and its the strongest ball i have also have a pro pin battle thats no different than any other ball as far as reaction

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Re: pro cg quest
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 02:31:58 AM »
thanks for all the input guys.i'll keep it and see what happens.hopefully my pro shop guy won't have to many problems figuring out how to drill it.


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Re: pro cg quest
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2007, 06:28:21 AM »
I just picked up a Pro Cg Quest off of Bowling Deals.  I am RH and requested one for a RH, but the CG fell to the right of the pin/MB line but came with less than 3 ounces of TW.  I drilled it 4 3/4" by 45 degree layout, pin under ring and the CG ended out pretty far out and in the finger positive region.  A combination of drilling the fingers deep and a 13/16th weight hole, and all was well.  Still feeling the ball out since it needs heavy oil to work right, but it rolls really heavy with this layout so it is a control drilling for me, which is what I was looking for.  I drilled an Pro CG Odyssey for my friend with the same layout and the CG fell on the line from the ring finger to his pap, about 3 inches out, but since it came with barely 2 ounces of TW, it didn't need a weight hole and it works great for him and has become his goto ball.  Don't be afraid of the Pro CG balls, especially from RG and Storm.

Good luck.


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Re: pro cg quest
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2007, 06:26:06 PM »
I want to thank everyone for the quick responses.I am hoping my pro shop guy can figure it out.I love rot-grip and would really hate to have bought a lemon.I believe I purchased the same ball as you did Roto.I am right handed and still have a pretty good hook for a guy in his 40's.I have bought  few balls from bowlerdeals as well and have reasonable success with them.Thanks again for the input.I really look forward to having a good season with it.