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Author Topic: New Roto Ball Suggestions?  (Read 1552 times)


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New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« on: May 12, 2009, 05:04:39 AM »
I have a Rogue Cell, My next step down is a old blue Hammer Faball at 1500 abralon then polished, and a straight ball. I am looking for something to fit between my Faball and the straight ball. I am thinking maybe Neptune but I am not real sure not having thrown a lot of other balls. What would be your suggestions?
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Roto Grip - King of Them All



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Re: New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 01:08:46 PM »
The reality is you can pick any other roto ball to go between these 2.  The rogue Cell is the most aggresive ball they have.  You would need to give more of what you are looking for.  Are you looking for something for when the lanes start to break down?  Or are you looking for something that just doesn't hook as much from the start?


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Re: New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 02:10:29 PM »
You would probably be better off putting something in between the Rogue Cell and the Hammer, because it's pretty hard to find something in between the Hammer and your straight ball, because honestly I think the Neptune will probably be stronger than the Blue Hammer. I would suggest a Mars, or maybe a Grand Illusion to go down from a Rogue Cell because the gap between the Rogue Cell and the Blue Hammer seems pretty huge.
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I guess I should explain it more. I originally took this hammer down to about a 500 abralon, before I got the Rogue. It hooked like a son-of-a-gun at that level but was a bit unpredictable and tended to die at the end if not thrown right. I replaced it with the Cell and took it too a 1500 abralon and polished it. It still hooks pretty good and is a nice step down for when the lanes start to burn up after several games of the Cell. What I am looking for is a weaker ball than that for when I get on super dry lanes or MANY games into a night of bowling on synthetic oils, or something that just hooks less from the get go.
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Roto Grip - King of Them All


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Re: New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 02:21:18 PM »
1500 Abralon?


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Re: New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 03:13:03 PM »
I suppose I would consider storm as well, same parent company.
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Roto Grip - King of Them All


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Re: New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2009, 05:59:05 PM »
Look at the Storm Natural when it comes out. Black Urethane, Turbine Core - for burned out lanes.

Jesse James

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Re: New Roto Ball Suggestions?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2009, 06:17:18 PM »
I would just take a Mars and drill it weak!

That whole line of balls.....the Saturn, the Venus, the Pluto, Neptune, and the Mars have one consistent characteristic.

You drill'em strong, and you will get a ball that is much stronger than you expect. And if you drill'em weak, you will get a ball that is surprisingly weak, but with good pop on the backend!

The entire line is money!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!