Equipment Boards => Roto Grip => Topic started by: komike on June 11, 2003, 02:43:52 AM
check them out...
Pure Fuel:
Sonic X Solid :
Wow, I was just going to post something about them, but you beat me too it.
sorry....i was bored!
Did you scan those off of the product catalog?
LOL I swear you have them before I do sometimes! They will be on the Roto Grip website hopefully by Monday!
Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.
Hah thats scary roger. sheesh and you work there !
Why do the gods torment me like this!
Hehe...I didn't mean I DON'T have them. I just meant he always finds these pictures some where and has them on his site before I do.
That is okay, I have it scheduled to have them on our site with the full information by next week.
Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.
When are these balls set for release? I told a few people at my center about them and they are already lining up to get a pure fuel....
Mike, July 15
Thanks Jeff!
no problem
Bill, your site says 2000 polished, I thought it was 1500 ??
I hate typos! The PRODUCT CATALOG says 2000 polished which is where Bill got the information from. The catalog sheet says 1500 polished. I will check the trailor and get back as to what it ACTUALLY is.
Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.
Sounds like a supplier problem Roger,....same thing happened with the Fuel. It was 800 or 1000 matte and a bunch of stuff came out saying it was a polished ball.
after contemplating these releases......they WILL be added to my "fleet"!

The Pure Fuel is a perfect complement to my Fuel and Silver Streak Solid!
Particle pearl cover , slightly longer, more flaring core than the Fuel, longer than the SS........perfect.....
And for lighter mediums to lighter oil, I think I'll snag a Sonic X Solid !
I'll be all RotoGrip for 03-04!! 