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Author Topic: Pure Fuel....... PURE Power!  (Read 2244 times)


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Pure Fuel....... PURE Power!
« on: October 08, 2003, 05:18:10 PM »
Around here like many places Roto Grip is getting popular and fast.

Good balls like the Silver Streak and Roto Blue and Red are seen pumping out some big scores(Silver Streak particle also).

Saw one of our top lady bowlers the last couple league nights really getting some carry.

Stopped over last night while just watching and asked her what she was using.
I thought it was Assault pearl which a friend of mine really loves.

No she said the Pure Fuel!  I was amazed as I watched her, I mean she's good.
(I saw her qualify 7th in a regional last year, and barring child rearing responsibilities she could really compete), think Corin Dorin Ballard style.

But what she lacks (if she lacks anything) is pure backend.  This ball supplies it all!  Saw her wipe out a regional men's champ by going 279, 238, 24x, I was leaving a little early.

I'd seen the Fuel in the past which another friend loved but this definetely as the description says supplies more punch at the back versus the pure rev and smooth slurve of the fuel.

On the same lane was the very good Eraser Pearl Particle, this ball is more.

I compare both to my Riot Zone which is all rev and slurve(= smooth curve).
It goes in this order(riot zone, (very close)fuel, eraser pearl particle, Pure fuel).  

Pure fuel = pure power with great control of the midlane.

Whether it is worth the difference in price between it and the Eraser Pearl particle I cna't really tell.  Substantially more backend.  $40 more I don't know!

What ever the extra, a hell of an investment for a ball I have almost not seen anywhere!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Pure Fuel....... PURE Power!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2003, 08:36:56 PM »
Lefty ,....message sent....

I have both the Fuel and Pure Fuel and it's a great 1/2 punch. Fuel does heavy to medium heavy and the Pure Fuel does the rest down to even some medium lights from inside!

Surprising,....great midlane but a great backend....STRONG, but controllable!

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !


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Re: Pure Fuel....... PURE Power!
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2003, 01:39:09 PM »
pure fuel = a heavier medium ball? i hated the fuel.. won't even get into that again.. but i liked the hit.. couldn't carry but again.. i would like to try roto again, where does it fit?


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Re: Pure Fuel....... PURE Power!
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2003, 01:56:28 PM »
I think if you didn't like the Fuel, the drill/oil pattern/matching your game didn't fit for some reason.

The Pure Fuel is a medium ball...I have mine drilled 3" w/ mb in the track...long and smooth , but strong, hard arc (readable,...nice midlane)

Personally, the Pure Fuel is a step down from the Fuel...although I didn't have it...the Top Fuel and Fuel would have overlapped too much.....

Remember, one who expects NEVER dissapointed !