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Author Topic: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet  (Read 1526 times)


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Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« on: July 29, 2004, 10:10:32 PM »
Jeffrevs has been great about giving me info and advice on the Rotogrip line, and I am going to be getting a Sonic X solid soon.  Anyway, I have a question about the drill pattern to use.  On the drill sheet which I printed off from their website, they show the pin placement, and 3 different MB locations and a brief description of what to expect from each of those drillings.  Specifically, I am thinking about drilling "A" - however, I notice that by placing the MB in location a and c that the description is similar.  Both have a length rating of 10, and backend reaction rating of 3.  a) says and arcing reaction vs b's controlled reaction.  Can you tell me the difference of how the arcing reaction will look on the lane vs the controlled reaction?  Which one will have the a sharper breakpoint?

Here is some info on me - it's as specific as I know how to be.

Right handed.  Track on non-flaring equipment is approx. 1/2 in from finger, and 1/4 inch from thumb.  I estimate my speed to be average, with above avg. revs - most likely the upper end of avg. revs to lower end of high revs.  I'm wanting this ball primarily for dryer conditions - possibly for when the backends are really clean and moving hard.  Looking for a more even reaction, less skid/snap.  Is this possible with this drilling?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

This will hopefully fit between my urethane Scout, and Stinger LF (which is drilled to go looong then HARD arc).


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Re: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2004, 01:21:43 PM »
If I'm figuring my PAP right, 6" would put the pin right above my middle finger.  I thought about putting it below the finger, but I read somewhere that this might cause it to flare over a finger - maybe that was only for higher flaring equipment, I don't remember.

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Re: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2004, 01:22:38 PM »
it's all true 9~!

I'd drill a Solid' s only got a .020 diff, ....Roger has always said drill these balls strong....especially the solid, won't "jump"...

Rotos drill sheets are pretty accurate, a=decent length arc on back b=stacked, more flip (if any w/ this ball), c=least length arc on the back...

I'd drill it like your Stinger.......
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Re: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2004, 01:35:58 PM »
I'd drill it like your Stinger.......

Stinger has pin about 5" from PAP - above and dead center between fingers.  CG is center and right below fingers (maybe 2" under pin).  I'm guessing that would put the MB on or near my track?  I'm still learning this stuff, so if I'm stating something that's glaringly wrong, don't be afraid to correct me!


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Re: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2004, 01:38:18 PM »
you want the Sonic to fit below the Stinger ?  If so, drill it like that...12 oclock w/ a 5 pin to pap


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Re: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2004, 02:04:21 PM »
It doesn't matter w/ this ball, it's not going to "flip" regardless. And, putting the pin by ring or over bridge isn't going to change the reaction of this ball much either.....

A label drill or a 12 oclock isn't going to be a major difference in this ball, it'll depend on what he wants it to do.....
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Re: Question about drilling on Rotos drill sheet
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2004, 12:21:03 PM »
Thanks for all the input guys, I appreciate the help!  Looks like it'll be tomorrow or Tuesday before the ball is in.  I'll let you know what drill I put on it and how I like it when I get a chance to throw it some.


Yawn! Did you say something?
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)