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Author Topic: quick question on the Battle  (Read 944 times)


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quick question on the Battle
« on: October 16, 2007, 12:23:52 PM »
I just recieved my Battle in the mail today, (i dont like Particle balls, they just dont work for me, but i wanted to give them another shot anyways, i am a lefty)

anyways, i brought it to my proshop guy and asked him to stack it for me and i will comeback tomorrow....he says "OK, but i gotta tell you, that this ball is awesome for about 30 games and then it will start losing its power, and basically die out on me.....
is there a way to keep this from happening, i had a throttle up a while back, and that ball quit on me after a few this just a typical reaction on particle bowling balls....and if so, why does bowling ball companys keep producing them
well what i am looking for, is what can i do to get the maximum life out of my equiptment.....



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Re: quick question on the Battle
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 08:40:53 PM »
I think your pro shop guy needs a new job.  I have 2 Battles and the reaction has not gone away.  I do however clean my equipment regularly.

Depending upon what surface you want on your battle...  Get a product like Clean and dull and a grey scotch brite pad and some abralon pads.  When cleaning the ball take it down to box finish with the grey pad and cleaner and then bring it to whatever surface prep you want.

Hopefully Rotomike will see this. He has a lot of experience with Army Bowling in the past.  He can also help you with surface adjustments he has helped with some of mine.


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Re: quick question on the Battle
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 09:59:58 PM »
I agree with skid snap... i had a battle since the release date and its never lost reaction
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Re: quick question on the Battle
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 10:13:18 PM »
Rotos seem to have a good reputation for longevity.  Take care of it and you should get well over 30 games.  Remember, it's an "oil" ball and when balls are exposed to more than the usual amount of oil, the more maintenance they'll need.  Keep it clean.



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Re: quick question on the Battle
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 10:16:38 PM »
i dont think balls die i think bad maintenance and using on the wrong condition kills balls,more importantly kills your confidence in the ball. this is a strong ball if you drill it too strong you wont like it,if you use it on anything less than med shots you wont like it. In oil its probably the strongest ball i have thrown on lesser conditions its marginal at best. if you only use it when u see serious oil it wont have a chance to die ,if you force it to work on lesser shots it will die and you wont like it in the interim.
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Re: quick question on the Battle
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2007, 03:15:08 AM »
thanks alot for the feedback, i am not planning on using it that often, i was thinking of using it on longer sport patterns or tournaments....not for typical house shots...i got plenty of other stuff for house shots....but needed something for heavy oil.

i am pretty good about cleaning my equiptment.  my horizon solid is awesome, but does require alot of maintenance so its nothing new to me.

anyways, thanks again for the feedback