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Author Topic: Epic Battle v. Cell  (Read 1337 times)


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Epic Battle v. Cell
« on: February 27, 2008, 08:05:03 PM »
I was wondering if anyone has thrown both and could offer me any insight as to the similarities and differences between the Cell and the Epic Battle.  I recently had my Epic Battle crack and was looking to get a Cell to replace it.  I had my Epic Battle drilled pin next to ring finger and CG and MB straight below, close to a 4x4 drilling, with a small weight hole around 5" right, to bring the side weight to around 3/4 oz., if I remember correctly.  Also, I kept the surface at 1000 then Ebo's Matte Finish on top.  How do you think the Cell would compare to the Battle if drilled similarly?  Any and all help/opinions/suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.

*F.O.S. is growing
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Re: Epic Battle v. Cell
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 07:30:31 AM »
I have both.  The Battle was my first Roto Grip ball.  It was a hand-me-down from one of my friends who didn't want it anymore.  I fell in love with my Battle and shot my highest game and series with it with in the first couple of weeks.  I was able to play the 5-7 board range, but then after a couple of months the ball's reaction started to become unpredictable (due to the age of the ball).

I got the Cell about a month ago or maybe a little bit longer.  Out of the gate, I shot fantastic with it in practice.  During league, I started to struggle a little, although my average still steadily continued to rise.  (Thank You Neptune for the back up support.)  Operator error is what it ended up boiling down to, as I am in the process of revamping my bowling style.  The other thing that took a little getting use to was the fact that it is my first Assymetrical ball, for some reason this was throwing me for a loop in my release.  

The Cell allows me to play up the outside (same as Battle), at about the 5 board but with a smoother transition into the pocket.  It is drilled as 4x4 layout.  It did take a little bit of playing around with the surface to get the reaction that worked the best for me (4000 Abralon, no polish), as it was burning up its track too soon.  I think that you will find the Cell to be a great replacement to your Battle.  You may even end up saying "Battle Who?".
RotoGrip Convert


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Re: Epic Battle v. Cell
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 07:58:08 AM »
Let me add onto my girl (Rotogripgal) on this about the Battle vs Cell.  I had a Battle drilled pin under ring, MB in strong position and it never played out for me.  It rolled really heavy right off the foul, being that it is particle, so it was expected but I couldn't rely on it to get to the hole without throwing it slow and direct.  Had one 750 series with it, but it never panned out compared to my Epic.

The Battle doesn't come anywhere close to the reaction, hit and carry of the Cell in my opinion.  I drilled 2, one 4 x 4 and my new one 5 x 3 and I haven't shot less than 680 since.  I've never had a ball that keeps its reaction, even after over 30 games like this ball.  I have no fear of it not making it back to the pocket and the carry is awesome.  The cover does require cleaning pretty regularly, but what modern ball doesn't need that today.  The second one (5 x 3) was drilled to give me a skip/snap reaction like the Paradigm used to.  OOB finish, it read the lane too soon so I put Bean's Secret Sauce on it and it did get further down the lane, saved up more energy, and then flipped pretty hard.  But I do need to add more polish to get it where I want it because I wanted this one to open the lane up and go around carry down.  

If you thought the Battle was good, the Cell is ten times more reliable and user friendly.  Believe the hipe and what its doing on tour, this ball is that good.  I will be getting a couple more before the end of the summer.

Good luck.



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Re: Epic Battle v. Cell
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2008, 08:18:16 AM »
Roto, let's keep 1 thing in perspective about your second Cell that you forgot to mention.  I bought the Bean's! ;-)
RotoGrip Convert


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Re: Epic Battle v. Cell
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 05:41:56 PM »
Thanks you two for the info, it's greatly appreciated
*F.O.S. is growing
"Life is short...and so is Gary Coleman"
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Re: Epic Battle v. Cell
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2008, 07:26:36 PM »
I rolled a battle for a few weeks last year, but the driller mislaid out the pitch for my rev finger and led to pain. After he fixed that, the ball never turned the same. Guess I was getting some finger in it, lol. Never threw highr than 650 with it and played 12 to 7 most of the time. The Cell, on the other hand is a different monster. Clean and smooth trough the heads and mids with a mean turn to the pocket. I have never been a messenger maker, but had the messenger take down a 6/10 the other night. I am playing 15 to 8 mainly with it so far. Threw my first 700 of the season with it 247, 235, 224 for 706.
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February 7, 2008


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Re: Epic Battle v. Cell
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2008, 08:16:52 PM »
i have both and i really didnt like either one at first. i had my cell redrilled weaker and i must say that the cell is trully phenomenal. the battle is a good ball but very one deminsional. It is a down and in ball for heavier oil. as long as the oil holds up ist good,or you could polish it and it would be good for a lesser shot,whereas the cell is a ball that if you have it drilled right you could use on a variety of shots just like it is. carry with the cell ,(if drilled right ), is sick. I had it drilled too strong for my game and it was a match and i didnt know ,it 10 pins for days. Since i had it redrilled i very rarely leave corner pins. even if the lanes are drier.Just move left with loft.If you see," heavy oil", drill it strong,if not drill it pin up and bowl wherever you want on whatever you want,its just that good. I think i am going to get another one and drill it for oil i will probably never be able to use it,but it might be nice to have that just in case
my style, the art of bowling without bowling