I now have the all ROTO arsenal as stated above. The Berserk and Shatter are very impressive. I just picked them both up this past Monday, so I am still learning how to play them. I can tell you that the Shatter is stronger than I thought it would be, meaning once it hits the dry it makes a strong move, but not uncontrollable- and it does Shatter the pins. I did think about the Shooting Star, but I prefer hybrids or pearls. Regarding the speed, according to the qubica monitor I was mostly around 15.23 - sometimes down to 14.83 and up to 16.24 -keep in mind I was experimenting with the way each ball would react. my question is how accurate are the scorers? and when do they read the mph? my guess is at the pindeck? I would say that I play more down and in, but I can also play a tweener type of shot as well depending on the lane conditions.---- Bottom line - I believe my line up will get the job done!