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Author Topic: RG Honor Score Award  (Read 2020 times)


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RG Honor Score Award
« on: October 30, 2003, 09:21:49 PM »
A couple of months ago I picked a used Silver streak from pnj1967 and I was on the Rotogrip website looking for drill sheet. While there, I noticed that they had a "High Scores" section. So I looked through and saw a few names I recognized and figured it would be good to see my name there too.

Four weeks ago, I broke through with a 300 and 823. Following the directions on the website, I submitted copies of my ABC honor score awards to them and about a week later my name was listed. I thought that was it, but today when I got home, there was a little square box from Storm. I had no idea what it was since I know that I hadn't ordered anything from them, maybe I won some on-line contest? Inside was a 4" high hard, clear plastic "trophy" that says "ROTO GRIP Honor Score Award". Totally unexpected. I know it's not much, but hey it's nice to get something (other than a great ball).

BTW, I kept the same layout that Paul had on the ball I just plugged and moved the thumb to match my grip. Pin next to ring finger and cg in-line just above thumb.


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Re: RG Honor Score Award
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2003, 12:30:41 PM »
Congrats on the 300 and 800! Once again it shows that Storm/RG is truly a "Bowler's Company"! They were VERY generous to the NY State Firemen last year for our annual State Tourney. We now have over 50 more NY State Firemen throwing Roto Grips than before the tourney. Hmmmm, it's a wonder why more companies weren't as supportive.
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Re: RG Honor Score Award
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2003, 12:35:30 PM »
Columbia gave me a Nice King Louie Jacket for the 805 I shot with my Pulse as well as one 20 years ago with my Slate Gray U-Dot.

Ebonite has given me 300 award shirts and AMF gave me a ball.  I still think it is great that they do anything.  I appreciate the gifts.



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Re: RG Honor Score Award
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2003, 12:45:58 PM »
I shot my first 800 last year and contacted RG and they put my name on the honor score page but I didn't get anything for this.  Are we suppose to ask for anything for honor scores


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Re: RG Honor Score Award
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2003, 03:11:31 PM »
Columbia gave me a Nice King Louie Jacket for the 805 I shot with my Pulse as well as one 20 years ago with my Slate Gray U-Dot.

Ebonite has given me 300 award shirts and AMF gave me a ball. I still think it is great that they do anything. I appreciate the gifts.

Nod - I never even thought of contacting ball co's before about honor scores. I just figured they'd be overwhelmed by the numbers. I should have contacted Columbia yrs ago as most of my scores have been with using their equipment.
It is good to get freebies. Brunswick house I bowl usually gives 300 jacket.

I shot my first 800 last year and contacted RG and they put my name on the honor score page but I didn't get anything for this.  Are we suppose to ask for anything for honor scores

Badger - I didn't ask for anything nor was I expecting anything.


Happy with what you have to be happy with.
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