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Author Topic: Rico Cell  (Read 3024 times)


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Rico Cell
« on: March 25, 2008, 09:21:50 AM »
Anyone have one of these and if so any thoughts? I'm thinking about making this the benchmark ball of my new arsenal, but I was hoping someone else has already tried this and could share their thoughts and experiences with the ball with the RICO layout.



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 07:59:49 PM »
My pro shop guy told me this," I'm a Little leary of drilling a Cell with a Rico Drilling. Cell is a great ball but the Rico drilling would really make the ball roll and arc."



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 08:08:37 PM »
  The ball itself drilled straight up rolls much like a rico drilling. No reason to add to the midlane and arc.
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Mike Thomas


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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2008, 05:32:12 AM »
I drilled my Cell Rico but I have only thrown the ball 6 or 8 attempts. The ball is still strong but I dont have any games on it yet to give my opinion. I am going to try to get some games on it by Monday and I will let you know my thoughts.



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2008, 08:05:24 AM »
GEt back to the brunswick forum with this rico rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Seriously winds me up....

Rico is meaning less... if you want a particular roll/reaction from ANY ball just ask your proshop guy to lay it out to do that...

Rico drilling has the pin in the middle of the grip... for me this is about a 5.25" pin... for my friend that would be a 4" pin... for another friend that would be nearly a 6" pin... see where i'm going wit this?  Pin length from pap is whats important... angle of CG/MB _relitive to PAP_ is whats important... saying to drill a ball "Rico" is about as accurate a way of laying out a ball as saying "will pin above the ring finger work for me"?

Sorry.. this just winds me up so much lol



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 10:40:55 AM »
Not only that, but a lot of guys can't use a pin in that location because of how they track! I use it and like it, but I wouldn't do this to the Cell because as you stated it rolls like a rico anyway. My pap is 31/2> x 5/8 Up and rico rolls really smooth and even for me! People hear or see somebody using a rico or pin in palm and think they want that drilling without using one to see if it works for them. Just my $.02 worth, Bruce
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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 06:47:28 PM »
Well, seeing as how I am already in the Roto Grip forum I think I will stay here and post my reply....LOL! I have three balls drilled Rico and I like each one of them and seeing as how the Cell in my bag is the one that I bought with my own money I guess I can drill it up any way I choose and well, I decided to choose Rico. I can already tell with just a handful of toses that this ball will work just fine for me. Sorry to piss off any Roto Gurus for using a different drilling on my ball other than a Roto drilling but truthfully I really dont care what anyone thinks about how I drill my equipment. The only thing that matters to me is that I like the way a ball rolls hits and carries. Motogp69 I will let you know what I think of this ball and drilling after I get some reps in. Thanks.



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 06:55:37 PM »
Well, seeing as how I am already in the Roto Grip forum I think I will stay here and post my reply....LOL! I have three balls drilled Rico and I like each one of them and seeing as how the Cell in my bag is the one that I bought with my own money I guess I can drill it up any way I choose and well, I decided to choose Rico. I can already tell with just a handful of toses that this ball will work just fine for me. Sorry to piss off any Roto Gurus for using a different drilling on my ball other than a Roto drilling but truthfully I really dont care what anyone thinks about how I drill my equipment. The only thing that matters to me is that I like the way a ball rolls hits and carries. Motogp69 I will let you know what I think of this ball and drilling after I get some reps in. Thanks.



I don't think Ryan was attempting to 'take a shot' at you, I just think he was wanting a little more information on what the measurements of the drill were/are going to be, instead of just hearing people say 'rico.'  I understand what he is talking about, as for some people the pin-in-palm would be say, 4 inches from PAP, but for others it could be 6 inches, or more.  It's just a very generic description of a drilling and in my opinion will not have the same roll and carry for person A and B.  


I believe you would get more useful information if you could provide either A) what reaction you are looking for, or B) what your PAP coordinates are and what the measurements would be if you were to put the pin in your palm (Rico).

Just my $.02

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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 07:47:53 PM »
Thanks for clearing that up Tyler, I took RotoRPS reply the wrong way and I stand corrected.



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2008, 10:18:00 PM »
Thanks for clearing that up Tyler, I took RotoRPS reply the wrong way and I stand corrected.


Not a biggie, and I by no means was trying to start any trouble, just hoping to clear a little bit up.  However the Cell works for you is great, as long as it works.  I am actually in the thought process on how to drill mine.  It's killing me to not have holes in it yet, but I wanna make sure I get it right.

*F.O.S. is growing
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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2008, 04:39:51 AM »

Yeh wasn't having a go at you... just ranting about something that annoys me as a driller lol

I’ve gone to the Brunswick forum in the past to find several different threads all going at once.. “rico on my inferno”.. “should I try rico on my absolute?”.. “should I try..” .. “rico”.. “rico”.. “rico”..   its just frustrating!

As BatBowler said, he has a 3 1/2 x 5/8 PAP, and I have a 5 1/4 x 1/2 PAP… If he drills a ball with the “Rico Drilling”, he will have a little over a 3.5” pin-pap, and about a 55 degree MB… if I was to drill the same ball with the Rico drilling for myself, it would have about a 5.25” pin-pap, with about a 50 degree MB... see where I’m going with this?

If I had initially asked BatBowler how his ball reacted before drilling mine, and liked the sound of it, then drilled mine the same, it would have a totally different reaction as the pin length is almost 2 inches longer, and the MB is at a different angle…

If someone tries the Rico drilling and is happy with it, fair enough, but in my opinion it is as generic as saying putting the pin in the ring finger, or pin above the bridge, or whatever…


Edited on 3/28/2008 4:42 AM


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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2008, 06:11:37 AM »
Cool, thanks Ryan. My bad. I misunderstood.



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Re: Rico Cell
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2008, 08:09:57 AM »
I don't have the information on hand, but I'm pretty sure my Pap is 4 1/2 over and 1/2 inch up.