My pap is listed in my profile! Box specs. 15lb 3oz 2.5-3 pin 3.6 top weight. I used the dual angle layout of 60deg x 41/4" x 65deg, which placed the pin below my middle finger and the RG/MB on my val. I didn't adjust the box finish for now and I had to stand 7 boards left of my Cell Pearl and 5 boards left of my Cell and Strike Cell. The Cell is drilled similar with the pin below the bridge and Cell Pearl below ring finger. I had a tough time keeping the ball in the pocket and a soft roll caused it to cross over. I'll post another review when I get on more oil, this was a fresh oil pattern that had just been done for league!
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will "BOWL UP A STORM AND BE KING OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it."
Roto Grip - Storm : What else do you need?
Bruce Campbell<font face=''Tahoma''></font id=''Tahoma''>
Edited on 2/27/2009 11:36 PM