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Author Topic: Roto Arsenal - Update  (Read 2019 times)


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Roto Arsenal - Update
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:46:09 AM »
Before the holidays I was soliciting input in putting together a Roto Tourney arsenal for my daughter.  I thought I'd share what we ended up doing and general thoughts since so many of you gave your input.  For reference my daughter is 23 yrs. old.  She is a slow to medium speed tweener with decent revs., around 210 house shot avg. throwing 15lb.

We ended up with the following arsenal:

Hyper Cell at 2000
Sinister at 3000
Hyper Cell Skid at 4000
Hysteria at 3000
Outcry at 2000
Unhinged at 1500 polish

We were looking at a Scream as well be she never really matched up with the 2012 Shout so we decided to take a pass.  There is a chance before the PWBA season kicks into gear this summer was may add an Uproar.

From her older balls she has held on to her Theory at 1000 and her Rising Star at 4000.

The biggest positive out of this group for me is the Hyper Cell Skid.  It covers more boards than anything in her bag and no matter what the condition it still hits hard with little to no deflection.  Also, her go-to / benchmark ball after messing around with the surface for weeks is the Hysteria at 3000.  Even at 3000 it is clean through the fronts with a strong arc and excellent carry.

The disappointment so far has been the Sinister.  I expected this ball to be a beast, but so far both the Hyper Cell and the HC Skid make it look like a paper weight.  It may be just a match up issue with the core but at both box 4000 and changing it to 3000 the cover seems to go much longer than I expected and the move is fairly mild compared to the two Nucleus Core balls.

The other ball that was a mystery at first was the Outcry.  Given that she has been throwing her Rising Star at 4000 for a few years we were hoping the Outcry was going to be close in reaction - but it wasn't even close.  At box the Outcry didn't smooth out the wet / dry like the Rising.  After a month or so of experimentation we found at 2000 it is now a good ball on shorter, heavier oil sport shots to square up for early blocks.

Thanks again to everyone who helped put this together.



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Re: Roto Arsenal - Update
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2015, 06:27:28 AM »
Here is my observation on the Sinister, imo. It just went too long before its move. So what I did is I took a burgundy scotch brite and scuffed the cover. For me this is the only way I could get this ball to react properly. In other words, have back end movement. If I dont let this ball get into a good roll it does not hit properly. But it now has its place. After my Hyper Cell starts leaving flat tens, I will give the Sinister a try. But if I can use my Skid, I will. Again - IMO - the nucleus core is way better than the cage core. They hit and carry better, the Skid just flat out rocks. The Sinister, I would experiment with the cover untill you find the best reaction. I personally use the H/C and the Skid the majority of the time, because they give me the best reactions.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 06:25:06 AM by Metal_rules »
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