Just ordered both...
Extreme praise from most about the disturbed...
Where did the deranged go wrong?
If you have both, how would you have punched up the deranged differently?
I assume I should do the deranged with a further pap because the core is rolly, but I figured I'd ask around while I'm waiting for them to arrive.
Thanks dudes...
Most that bought the Disturbed, just didn't buy the Deranged. Same everything on the Deranged, just a pearl cover so more length and angularity. To be honest, they make a great 1-2 punch, but the Disturbed is so versatile, you almost never have to go away from it (thus really negating the purchase of another ball, ie-- Deranged).
I think you'll like them both, assuming you have had success with this core previously-- thought about buying them myself, but I'm hooked on Radical equipment at the moment