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Author Topic: Roto Dream Arsenal  (Read 5041 times)


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Roto Dream Arsenal
« on: June 19, 2006, 05:47:03 PM »
Hey all, I've been looking into RotoGrip a lot and from what I see and hear, I think Im gonna make this brand my own.  I was looking through the different options, and figured out a 4 ball arsenal that may be good enough to have me set for a while..what do you guys think of this?

Heavy: Epic Battle
Medium/Heavy: Epic Saga
Medium/Light: Horizon
Light: Venus
Spare: Blue Dot (sorry bout that one)

What do you guys think of that arsenal?  Im hoping to have this accomplished by the end of the year due to lack of funds.  If anyone wants to dontate or sell for dirt cheap a 15lb in any of these I'd be happy to take it off your hands.

Bowling Since March 2006

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Doom Raw Hammer
Average: 150-160

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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2006, 08:20:37 PM »
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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2006, 09:04:57 PM »
My current Roto Arsenal:



Saga (Fit between Battle and SSSE)
Spare Tire/Globe (I LOVE the Globe...gotta try and get my hands on one)

For me, the SSSE is a great ball...I love the punch it has, and it made me fall in love with the idea of the hybrid coverstock.  That's why I want the Saga.
Lightning strikes at the oddest times...

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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2006, 09:12:29 PM »
Ok Noy, last time and I'll stay out of your thread. With your inconsistent game you have now, having different balls to change you can confuse you and mask your real problems. If you get a bad reaction from a bad shot, and don't quite realize you made a bad shot, then switch to a ball that corrects the problem like training wheels, you haven't learned anything. Spend all the money you would on new balls on a spare ball and coaching.

splendorlex--Talk about calling the kettle black.  I've seen the same type of threads from you over the last year or so.  C'mon this kid ain't no different than most on BR.  Lookin' for a game in a be it.



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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2006, 09:13:04 PM »
My current Roto Grip Arsenal

Epic Battle - Heavy
Epic - medium to heavy
Oracle Wisdom (international...Oracle Vision except red instead of purple)- medium/heavy
Horizon - medium
Saturn - light to medium
Mercury - dryish
Roto Spare Tire - spares

Only problem...can't take all seven with me....only can carry six! Usually flip a coin to see whether it's the Wisdom or Epic that stay home and "rest". (Of course only use these when I'm not using my Tracks. Love both my arsenals!)


Edited on 6/20/2006 9:10 PM

Brian Green

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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2006, 12:37:30 AM »
its funny, i was just thinking of posting something on the roto forum  about how this company has got my full attention right now....  currently i have been throwing ebonite/hammer equipment exclusively with pretty good success.... but i was in the proshop looking at the new hammer stuff and my ball driller talked me into drilling an epic just for an experiment, after throwing the epic i am seriously thinking of switching to roto grip exclusively..

anyway on to my dream roto arsenal:

heavy: Epic Battle
heavier side of medium: Epic
Medium: Silver Streak (origional)
Lighter side of medium: horizon
dry heads with carrydown: RSP
burnt heads with dry backends: Saturn (polished)
bone dry/ spares: Spare tire
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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2006, 12:42:46 AM »
My dream one would be RSX, and mercury. Bout 3 or 4 of each
Zack Pelton
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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2006, 03:13:26 AM »
RedBird, I dont know if that was a sarcastic comment or not, but I never said I was a great bowler. I just know when different equipment is needed. And I plan on posting one soon for more help on my game.

Okay, I will reply to this and also tell you my opinion of a good arsenal. Now I am not trying to say this to be sarcastic or to put you down in manner it is just to help you. What splendorex and Redbird are saying is true. But there are a lot of aspects to the game of bowling which I am not saying are impossible to learn in 3 months, just highly unlikely. You are too new to the game to know when different equipment is needed and coming from a guy who has too many bowling balls (about 15 or so) I know what I am refferring to. You see, on most house shots you can pick up just about any bowling ball on the market and score with it. Now sure you may have to adjust, but you can still score. This is one of the most important things to learn early how to ADJUST and do it properly. After I was bowling for a couple of years I had 2 RG balls an apocalypse, a retro ressurection, both wayyy to much ball for me but I never knew it, I was scoring fairly well with them, but I sucked. The reason they were working is because they were so strong that they masked my faults at least to me. It wasn't until they were stolen that I learned how to adjust with a Storm Hot wire, it was the only ball I had for months. But to score I had to do everything 100 times better. And that is what worries me about you, is that you will make the same mistake that I did, your arsenal proposal has nothing really low end about it, the VENUS will HOOK. And the balls that you have now HOOK. If they don't then you are doing something wrong and need to work on your game, if not you will just be paying $220+ for a ball that your not getting the full potential of, and then get pissed when you see someone good throwing it and it is outhooking yours and finishing harder.

I have said my peace on what you do. Now for my dream arsenal...

Heavy: Oracle
Heavy: Oracle Vision
Medium/Heavy: Apocalypse
MEdium: Silver Streak
Medium light: Silver Streak SE
Light: Sonic X solid

Now for you, if you wanna start off with RG I suggest(this has nothing to do with your storm and hammer balls)

League: Saturn

Not being funny, but thats all you need 3 months in.

Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

Edited on 6/21/2006 3:11 AM
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2006, 04:12:49 AM »
Noy, he's right. Learn a little more, get the game down a little bit, and then look into better balls. I've seen your video, and it looks like you have all the equipment you need.

You just started with the sport of bowling, so don't go too hog wild all of a sudden. Splendor has really sound advice.

More bowling balls does not make you a better bowler, just fyi.

Just trying to be realistic here. Don't go biting my head off.

*Edit on spelling
The Striking King.
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Edited on 6/21/2006 4:09 AM


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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2006, 07:51:00 AM »
True Scott, and I learned my lesson.    I'm bowling 98% of the time with one ball now, and have been for a few months.  You were one of the guys who showed me the error of my ways, and I'm just trying to return the favor to someone else!  

Ok Noy, last time and I'll stay out of your thread. With your inconsistent game you have now, having different balls to change you can confuse you and mask your real problems. If you get a bad reaction from a bad shot, and don't quite realize you made a bad shot, then switch to a ball that corrects the problem like training wheels, you haven't learned anything. Spend all the money you would on new balls on a spare ball and coaching.

splendorlex--Talk about calling the kettle black.  I've seen the same type of threads from you over the last year or so.  C'mon this kid ain't no different than most on BR.  Lookin' for a game in a be it.

Check out my bowling journal!

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Re: Roto Dream Arsenal
« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2006, 05:03:18 PM »
btw noy i watched your vid have your coach go over your timing, footwork and release.


Fyi, i've learned if you carry a lotta ballz and you are no good, people tend to frown up at you and give looks of disdain trust me i know from personal experience and i had 3ballz @ the time. Not puttin you down, jus telling you my experience.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutterballs back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!