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Author Topic: Another Cell for free......  (Read 921 times)


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Another Cell for free......
« on: October 09, 2008, 01:55:08 PM »
I don't bowl for money: not good enough, lol! But my league includes a free "end of the season" tournament with different categories.

I was able to use my pin under ring Cell in the tournament and it shined. I am not built for bowling. With skinny legs and not so strong knees I would sometimes drift on my approach.

With the Cell I can miss up to 3 boards to the outside and almost 2 boards on the inside and it would still "find" the pocket: very forgiving. It read the house pattern so well that I never missed the pocket all night. Shot a big 269 2nd. game to boost my series.

With the money I won I am going to get another Cell, and lock it up in the bank: it's like "money"........

Another plus is that the coverstock seems very durable: hardly gets scratched after 30 games.