My Illusion is a 5-1/4" x 45* layout with 2000 Abralon with a coumpound finish I rubbed into it to take the edge off. I have to be honest the only ball I've picked up since my CELL's came is a trick layout ball I used in a tournament. Otherwise, I've left everything else in my bag so far so I don't have a gauge for you on the comparison. However, PM tberk and he maybe could give you a better assessment than I.
I do have a Pluto and I drilled it 4" x 3" to try a "weak ball driled strong". That ball is bananas for the $$$. Because I don't have a lot of experience with stuff drilled that strong I don't know when to use it, but it sure is fun watching a $100 ball hook that much.
Steve Richter
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member
Edited on 1/29/2008 7:48 AM