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Author Topic: cell drilling?  (Read 1431 times)


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cell drilling?
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:29:48 PM »
I just got a cell for a gift and was wondering the best drilling for it. I want it to play off my BWB which is pin up. I was thinking of maybe a pin down drilling to give the wanted midlane and smooth backend excepted. any suggestions for good midlane and smooth backend?
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC
Mike Thomas



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Re: cell drilling?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2008, 06:07:26 PM »
   not knowing how you throw the ball.. with the pin down it is going to make the ball roll even earlier(out of box state no surface changes) and without enough head oil you will never be able to throw this on a typical house shot.. I suggest a layout that is 3-3/8" X 4-1/2" X 1" pin buffer.. this layout will make the ball roll up but still push to the right giving you a nice midlane reaction and a good bump off the dry(not angular, more of a hard continuation).. with your comment earlier about wanting to play off your BWB I dont think you will get the angularity from your cell.. your cell will be the first ball(stronger, earlier) then the BWB(not as strong, skid hard arc)..

John D Davis

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Re: cell drilling?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2008, 06:56:46 PM »
If you have a good reaction with the BWB with the pin up I would drill this ball exactly the same as the bite... Reason being these two balls are two completely different machines and will react diff regardless of being drilled the same. I think the cell may hook a little less than the bite, but thats according to how much play u have on the bite... Even if both balls were brand new for instance you could have one at a lower grit for oil, and the other one shined up for the medium conditions. Even having two strong balls like this could create different looks at different surfaces. Heck you could even get these things to react 5-10 boards off each other for that matter.
  Bowlers tend to drill bowling balls totally different to get them different looks, when they find balls to throw in the garbage this way. More and more bowlers today needs to find that sweet layout for them and put it on several balls and stop messing with all the flare potential of the bowling balls. Far to often will you find a person selling a ball on here with the pin like an inch right of their ring finger. This puts most players at the maximum flare potential of a bowling ball, and with todays bowling balls they flare so so very much that bowlers get to much flare often with these balls. Ah im ah just ah running on and on now, so I will stop. Hope this helps in your decision. John

Jesse James

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Re: cell drilling?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2008, 10:00:39 AM »
I don't know the speed you throw at,nor the conditions you are playing on. I will assume THS. First question....What do you want the ball to do?
That probably is the most important thing. How does the drill change/no change affect where you will stand and/or make an adjustment on the lanes? Are you trying to stay in the track? Or move around it?

My teamate and I just bowled a tourny this past weekend together. He used his brand new Cell, and shot outstanding numbers with this ball. He had his ball drilled pin down, under the ring finger, with the cg kicked right about an inch. He is right-handed.

His ball had the box shine knocked off it. His ball gave a fantastic read of the midlane with a booming arc and slightly angular backend. This ball is truly a carry-monster! I think he shot 720.

I agree that this ball needs a fair amount of  head oil, but it will no doubt become your #1 ball, since it will outhook your BWB by a lot.

I like J. Davis idea of drilling balls the same, and then altering the surface, accordingly as this will give you a natural step down approach when changing pieces. But it all depends on the "look" you want from the ball.
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Re: cell drilling?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2008, 05:16:37 PM »
I bowl on THS, no tournaments. I want the ball to read the mids when the BW Bite seems to skid forever, then turn too late and too much angle. I throw about 15 mph, with average rev's
Mike Thomas
Mooresville, NC

Edited on 8/4/2008 5:17 PM
Mike Thomas