Ball layout is 3 inch pin below ring finger & CG out 1 inch W/X hole. As a Senior LH Stroker, I found the Edge a very smooth rolling ball with the same Paragon Core as the Defiant Solid.The solid has a earlier stronger break point.But, with the Edge and the same layout, I can play 15 to the 6-8 area on a house shot and the pearl surface is a smooth roll to the pocket...The hitting power for such a smooth roll is fantastic...After a 300-790 with my Shatter in Oct. The following week I could'nt carry the corner's etc. W/ the Shatter & finally in the 8th frame of 2nd game I went to the Defient Edge & finished with 17 Strikes & another 300..I've been told that Older Lefties are known to be a little slow in making ball changes..Larry Hoffman, RG Staff.