Equipment Boards => Roto Grip => Topic started by: Mustang Guy on March 26, 2008, 02:20:40 AM
Alright, here it is everyone. Check out the link below.
Best of luck to everyone!
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Thanks, Roger!
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.
Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member
Thanks, but what about the ones who dont have a video camera??
Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.
Users, I wont deal with, CBB and Bingham's Bowling Supply Online Bowling Store and read my profile.
That's great, NOT.
I don't have video capabilities and I don't have money to buy a cell, much less a video camera..
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?
Good transactions list in my profile
My member page (http://"")
Edited on 3/26/2008 10:29 AM
Not fair. I'm not in the USA.
I have a video camera but no Cell......So send me one and I will make a video!

Formerly throwbigB
I just wanted to be clear about the Strike Cell. I'm only giving 1 away. These aren't available for sale in the US (fending off phone calls/emails). 
No Pearl Cell until next season!
I encourage everyone to jump on board with this contest. If you don't have a camera borrow one from a friend or get him involved and team up. You can share the free equipment if you win.
Don't own a Cell? I would get one! If you can't afford one right now borrow one from a friend. No one said you have to video yourself bowling. The video just has to incorporate a Cell ball in it.
Be creative & best of luck!
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Anyone international can take part in this contest as well. We are not restricting anyone.
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Whoo Hoo! This is a great contest...
but something tells me im not eligible lol
Owner and Operator of
VISE inserts The OFFICAL grip of
Quck question, can you get the bowling balls in 16 or only 15.
Great contest
sweet! expect some sort of upload from us sooooon!!!!!!

Anyone international can take part in this contest as well. We are not restricting anyone.
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Oops. No ability to make a video. That globe ball is pimped out and I want one.
"When in doubt, pull out." - ESPN's Rob Stone
well that sux...dont have a cell
Mark - I couldn't handle all the talk about the Pearl Cell.
I snapped!
LOL - we figured why not let 1 lucky person have a shot at a Hybrid overseas Cell, the Strike Cell.
No official announcement, but we know a lot of people would like to see one. Don't forget the Illusion is also a great compliment to the Cell.
Love your ideas Mark, those could be interesting.
Fluff - they will be available for sale in late July.
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Jimmy - Strike Cell has to be 15lb (I only have 1 available). All the other balls can be any weight 12 - 16lb.
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Thanks Roger, I think this will be a fun contest for some very creative people out there. And thanks for the orginal Cell, that ball will make a lot of people some money here for the next season or two.
Sorry, Roger, I'm a little camera shy so I'll have to sit this one out. I just bought a Cell and a Mystic on Saturday and I'll get to try them out for the first time tonite, can't wait. But I need a new bag and that 3 ball tote looks like the ticket, new bags available after Bowl Expo?
oh and no one in my bowling alley has one im outta luck
Freak761 - They should be available for sale mid July if everything stays on track.
RH - You should be the first one! 
Roger Noordhoek
Vice President
Business Development
Roto Grip, Inc.
For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
I have alot of people ask about mine, but still haven't seen anybody else throwing one yet.
That's a good thing .....for me.....
"I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather....Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car"
Roto Grip Cell
Roto Grip Saturn
Roto Grip Spare Tire
Does it have to inlcude bowling in it? or just the bowling balls?
Im so glad people are brainwashed to thinking that if they buy a new ball they will carry everything. And its even funnier when im carrying with my 15 year old ball and they're going flat ten.
Thanks for the chance Roger. I'm loving the idea. Also, sorry about all the talk about a pearl Cell. I just think it is the only missing thing in my bag now that I have my Venus on the way. This is going to be fun!
I want to see a green variation of the original Cell. You could call it the Organic Cell. Especially if it is a hybrid.
Roger, I got an idea for another contest later on. There should be a naming contest for the pearl cell you keep teasing us with. Winner gets one. Although I would guess you guys already have a name and it is all designed... O well it was a good idea...
Oh well. Because I don't have (nor do I have access to) a video camera, I won't be able to win the Strike Cell.
At least, being overseas, I should be able to buy one. I'll see what my pro shop guy says the next time I see him.
Good luck to everyone.
I've upped my average, so up yours!
Oh man, I have a Cell, and pretty much about 10 other people that bowl my sweeper on Tuesdays have one too....I have a wonederful video camera, and even less time...I throw man weight anyways...good idea though

2007-08 Averages:
Monday: 211
Tuesday Sweeper: 223
Friday: 228
Michigan Majors: 208
Time to get the creative juices flowing!
As an added bonus if you guys vote for me and i win, ill be sure to make a really nice video of the strike cell for everyone =)
Owner and Operator of
VISE inserts The OFFICAL grip of