Well, yesterday I got to go down to the pro shop and get my Horizon Solid drilled up. First I got the spare ball drilled so I could establish a PAP before he drilled the Horizon. So as soon as it got drilled up I walked right out to the lanes and tried it out. Bad news...lanes were too broken down for this ball to be effective so I decided I'd wait til later on in the night when I usually go bowling with some buddies.
So we got to the new center and started bowling, and what do you know...the lanes were super dry, some of the worst I've ever bowled on. Retired the Horizon Solid after 1 frame that night. But when I say dry, I mean dry. I hit a 215 shooting my maxim with a breakpoint at the 5 board or so...yes the lanes were so dry that I got that plastic to hook like a Black Widow. I had to over-muscle my throws to avoid hitting brooklyn, it was rediculous.
So anyways, the point of this boring story is that I'm over-anxious to try out the Horizon Solid but I'm gonna have to wait til my league on Thursday to play on some lanes with oil. I'll post back in here Friday though with my impressions on the ball and how it works for me.