I highly doubt it, but if enough people want me to I might. Thing is that first I don't need that type of reaction, 95% of what I bowl on I use nothing that hooks less than a Hyroad. If I get down to my Hyroad Pearl it's stupidly bone dry to the point people are using urethane. Nothing lower end shapes up like the HyPe though. Second, it's a lot of work and a fair amount of expense making the videos, so usually if it's not something I'm going to throw or something I need, it's really hard to justify, you know? At this point my channel isn't big enough to sustain doing a review on absolutely everything that comes out, so sometimes I have to be picky. If my channel growth keeps progressing like it has since the first of the year, then maybe by next year I'll be able to do a review on everything. Lower end balls typically don't generate the interest or views either.
In the mean time, Tamer might do a review, and if he doesn't, Josh Tajiri will most likely do one. There will still be some good reviews out there for it I'm sure. I could also be absolutely wrong, might be a great ball I end up throwing a ton, who knows. I'll have to see what the boss says lol, she runs the checkbook.
Luke, I know you're not a fan of the Hustle line, but will you still do a video of the INK for us? If I remember right you passed on the last batch of hustles