I am a long time Brunswick fan. I have always had the best luck with them. Last April, I purchased a Sonic X pearl, which I've thrown 3 games with. It has a special drill pattern that doesn't allow me to use it much. I was pretty impressed with it even after a few games.
Recently, I walked into a bowling alley on vacation. I used to bowl in this house once a year in tourneys. Anywho, the proshop had a couple of Pure Fuels laying in the shop, NIB for $85. I wanted to try another RG and this was the perfect opportunity.
I bought it, took it home and drilled it. I set it up with the pin under the ring and mb between my thumb and VAL. This ball has more backend than pretty much anything else I've thrown. I used it out of the box(shiny) on a med to heavy 42 ft pattern with pretty good success.
Overall, I am very impressed.
Wanna review my balls