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Author Topic: RS-1  (Read 1383 times)


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« on: November 12, 2005, 07:01:50 AM »
I bowl on lanes that have Guardian overlay on the heads. I also found out that the Guardian surface is the softest on the market and the ball's foot print is largest on it compared to any other surface. That being said, because of the high friction we have been experiencing on it, would an RS-1 drilled with a label leverage be a good choice to get thru the heads easier and still have pop on the backends? What do you guys think? One other thing, I have a slower ball speed so I need to do something to have a better shot on this surface.

Edited on 11/12/2005 3:56 PM



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Re: RS-1
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 03:18:58 PM »
Your best bet when bowling on guardian is using low flare layouts. The RS1 or the RSX would both work well on this lane surface. However; if you drill any ball with an aggressive layout, do not be surprised when you leave several soft corner pins due to burn out. Drilling the ball with any leverage layout would induce early energy loss and thus reducing your "backend pop" that you are looking for on this lane surface. Further pin to pap distance is key when bowling on guardian to help retain the balls energy, especially since you have slower ball speed.


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Re: RS-1
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 07:00:27 PM »
Thanks Pepzi,

Could you recommend another layout that may be better for what I am looking for? Thanks!


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Re: RS-1
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2005, 07:42:16 PM »

Using that chart, I would recommend using an A-B pin position (A for more length, B for slightly earlier hook) and a A-B mass bias position (A for less entry angle and B for more entry angle). To use this layout make sure you have a pin out ball 2-4" as anything less would make it tricky to lay out. If after drilling you think the ball is too flippy you could place a small weight hole on your axis to smooth the ball out. Another good thing about this ball and layout is that it is not so condition specific to the point where you can only use it on this guardian. You should be able to use it outside of your guardian house on later blocks/drier lanes with out it losing energy as some of your other equipment listed in your profile might. Hope this helps!!