win a ball from

Author Topic: RS-P  (Read 1796 times)


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« on: July 27, 2006, 09:56:33 PM »
For me - This ball just works too good on my house pattern - fresh oil (54units tapering to 8 units at the 5 board.through 2nd shift league - requires very little adjustment as the shot changes.  I find this ball reaction to be smoooth.  
Will get another one next payday.



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Re: RS-P
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2006, 07:26:43 AM »
dogomie - my pap is 4 3/4 and 7/8 up.  I drilled this ball stong - 3 3/8 x 3.  the pin is 3" above my grip center line.   CG is on my grip center line.  My ball speed stays close to 18 mph. I have more speed than revs.

The ball responds to angle of rotation changes - but does not over react. I can straighten this ball out or hook it.  I have about 50 games on this ball.  It has done everything I have asked it to do.  I was looking for something to replace my old Deisel Particle pearl when I bought this ball  - I could not be more pleased.

I beleive this ball will take cover changes to match any bowlers needs.


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Re: RS-P
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 10:26:58 AM »
dgomie05, do you mean it was drilled with the incorrect span or layout?  If Layout, how is it laid out?

I have 2 RSPs and love them both! One is drilled with a 4” pin, the CG in the strong position, and box finish.  The second is drilled with a 5.5” pin above the bridge with the CG in the centre of the grip.  I have a 3rd one undrilled that I’m keeping for a while!
