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Author Topic: RS-P and RS-X  (Read 1299 times)

Long Roller

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RS-P and RS-X
« on: October 22, 2005, 02:50:04 PM »
Just bought both of these balls and am new to RotoGrip.  I throw about 15-16 mph with medium revs and shoot on a fast breaking down THS.  I have the most success with drilling the pin above my bridge.  I was going to drill these both that way and put a sheen on them.  Do rotos react well to this drilling and will these overlap?
Shane Soule



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Re: RS-P and RS-X
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2005, 09:00:27 AM »
These strong-ish cores react well to almost any drilling; that is one of their strengths. If that's a drilling you like and are comfortable with, I see no special reason to drill them any other way, to begin with.

I would, however, strongly suggest you leave them in box condition, as they seem to complement each other that way. The RS-X comes highly polished and the RS-P comes dull. I wouldn't change the surface unless results show a need to do that.

A lot depends on where your THS starts, with respect to the volume of oil. If it's medium, you may consider starting with drilling just one of these. If you must polish the RS-P, you're going to make it closer to the RS-X. The ball path will still be different, but they will be closer.

Remember also that house oil patterns can make 2 different balls seem to react very closely!!

ADDENDUM: If the house shot breaks down into lighter oil than medium, yo umay wish you had waited and purchased an RS-1, the polished pearl. It's devastating on those oil patterns lighter than medium!!!
Bowling: Wish I could help me as much as I seem to help others ...
Life ... is what you make of it. No, really!

Edited on 10/23/2005 8:53 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Long Roller

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Re: RS-P and RS-X
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2005, 05:43:43 PM »
Thanks guys.  I'm going to leave them both in box condition and see how it works.  I'll post my initial opinions later.
Shane Soule