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Author Topic: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?  (Read 2772 times)


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RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« on: November 25, 2005, 12:08:54 AM »
I'm looking at the RS-P for it's core qualities. I've had success in the past with low RG, high differential equipment, but have never had anything pearl particle before.

Everything right now is skidding too far, and I have adjusted surface and hand positions. I need something that will cut through some oil, and yet still have 'some' energy on the back.

Take a look at my profile for specs and current arsenal.



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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2005, 08:31:39 AM »

I currently own most of the newer Roto Grip balls including the RSP. Even polished this ball will cut through the oil. I have yet to throw this ball in box condition but I pre-bowled with mine drilled 4x 3 after the early youth league on 11-12-05 and with the ball polished and some carrydown helped tame the strong backend this ball has. I shot 245, 300, and 256 for an 801. My first 300 and 800. I definately would recommend this ball, it is awsome!!!!!!!

And drill it strong!!!!!

Roto Grip... King of Them All!!!!!
Todd Loy


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2005, 04:14:53 PM »
My WMB is the only solid particle I have and it has NO movement on the backend. It does not like polish, so I'm thinking pearl particle might be the answer.

I think the low RG will help get it moving in the midlane, and the high differential will supply the flare I need.

I dulled my Shock & Awe and like the reaction with it being a pearl, but it squirts at the first sign of oil. I'm hoping the pearl particle will help.

I don't know, any suggestions?


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2005, 11:55:32 PM »
Most of my stuff is drilled pin over ring, but I would want it to start earlier. Or do I? I mean if it's a low RG ball, it wants to rev up early anyway... Hmm...

I'm still in the deciding process.


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2005, 01:22:15 AM »

If your profile is still accurate (stroker with low revs) and you're really in medium-heavy oil pattern PLUS carrydown, I would not believe that the RS-P would handle that situation for you. It is designed for medium to medium-heavy oil due to its dull finish and strong core and that it's a particle pearl, but I'd say it's for medium-heavy for those with more hand than you describe yourself as having. If you add carrydown into the mix, I think you MAY need a stronger base ball. Maybe their Oracle or the Epic.

Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway...

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2005, 12:25:56 PM »
It's a 38' - 40' THS with medium'ish carrydown. It's a 5 man team men's league (we have a lefty on our team), so 9 times out of 10 with have 9 righties to a pair. All sorts of oil movement and such.

Normally I have to play so tight that I have little room for error. It's either going to washout or split. This past week I used my Shock & Awe which I dulled to 800 grit, and had a better reaction then I've had in weeks. I actually had some backend reaction, which did surprise me, since I haven't seen any for sometime.

I want some midlane recovery! That's where I got the idea in my head. Hmm, dull pearl + particle = good ball reaction?


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2005, 01:50:46 PM »
Ball will handle carrydown like a champ also consider Vendetta Sniper for same conditions, i had to polish my rsp to keep it for checking up too early now it corners well on the backend and cuts through carrydown with ease. In box the ball is early but still retains a good backend reaction, i have also had really good success with an x-comp vendetta sniper i picked up from ebay for 80.00 with shipping that works really well out of the box on same lane conditions. The sniper i have pin above the bridge which i rarely use but trusted my driller on his layout, he was dead on ball starts in the mids keeps on coming through the pin deck. We used a 3 1/2 pin and kept cg at 45 degrees with the sniper i would highly recommend such a cheap ball for the price.


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2005, 02:27:54 PM »
If you are having trouble with your WMB hookingin oil you are noy playing the lanes properly. The WMB will handle all kinds of oil, it is NOT a big hooking ball, buy it is a very rolly arcing ball that carries the world if given a chance. Move right and play straight up and see if there is a difference.
  Remember the carry down came from the front part of the lane, so you could be burning up the engery from your balls. Flat 10's are a prime example.
  When I set my RSP up I drilled it pin under the ring finger cg kicked out about 1 1/2" with a weighthole on the val,hated the ball reaction, so I put it on the spinner and used 1000 Arblon pad on it and then the reaction was much better. If the ball hits the dry too early it still wants to scream back to the hole, but if I tug it I can get enough of the headpin to still carry.

Edited on 11/26/2005 3:41 PM


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2005, 03:41:06 PM »
I like the WMB's reaction but I have to play it so direct. I'm basically pointing it to the pocket, so I don't really have any room for error. It does carry from this line. but not for long. After a few frames I notice weaker and weaker 10's and sometimes the dreaded 8-10.

As I said, I noticed this last week pearlized seems to be the answer. I'm seeing more and more Paradigm's being thrown. Another low RG, high differential, pearlized ball.


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2005, 04:35:06 PM »

To me it almost sounds like your forcing the ball to the pocket,not rolling it.


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Re: RS-P for med-heavy carrydown shot?
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2005, 05:51:26 AM »
jj.....the Total doesn't do it ?!

I agree w/ charlest, I'm not so sure the RSP is it....

I'd look Oracle or Epic from RG....or....if the TS&A isn't doing it....S&D sure should!
"...Sorry, I'm just,'s starting to hit me like a, uhm....uhm...2 ton....heavy thing.."