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Author Topic: rs-x / horizon advise  (Read 1015 times)

The rookie

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rs-x / horizon advise
« on: July 17, 2006, 12:48:49 PM »
I have a rsx and love the reaction, I keep it close to oob, polishing it with storm xtra shine. for me it goes long, then arcs hard. i am a stroker, usually stands on 18, target at 15, breakpoint at around 8-10. anyway, i plan on getting a horizon, and was wondering what kind of reaction I would get, Im worried that it might overlap with my rsx. what should i expect? would it go longer? is it a skid/snap type of reaction similar to the fired up? or due to its medium diff, would it be a step down from my rsx? inputs would be higly appreciated. thanks.



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Re: rs-x / horizon advise
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 09:46:34 PM »
The Horizon will not overlap with your RSX. For me, the Horizon is A LOT stronger and a little bit earlier than the RSX (not to mention smoother). If you had them drilled the same, I would say that the Horizon would be a good 4+ boards left with your feet and 3-5' earlier than the RSX. I have not thrown the Fired Up, nor have I seen the Horizon be thrown against the Fired Up, so I cannot accurately comment on that comparison.
Mat Henning
Roto-Grip Staffer
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Champions Bowling Services


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Re: rs-x / horizon advise
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2006, 09:52:11 PM »
If you want a strong Skid/snap to compliment your RS-X go for the RS-1.