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Author Topic: RSP for sale/trade  (Read 2083 times)


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RSP for sale/trade
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:57:04 AM »
So why get rid of a ball I can score with?  And why list it here?  Well, the track has to burn quite a bit at either house I bowl at, and the only house that actually gets dry enough doesn't get there until the last game, and that's on a bad night.  I REALLY don't like plugging and redrilling stuff, so what I was thinking about doing was trading it off and giving someone a little extra money for a NIB Silver Streak Special Edition which I WILL drill stacked.  And I'm listing it here because I thought I might get the right responses from the right people . .  So far I've had a 739, 601 (at my bad house) and a 244.  However, wasn't strong enough to start with at either house last night, and I struggled the first half of each first game until I brought out the trusty old no labels left X-Factor.  Drilling probably just isn't strong enough.  Any takers?
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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 04:59:11 PM »
Is this ball for sale?? Hard to tell from the post.. What weight is the ball and if its for sale, please post a price. I might be interested depending on your answers. Thanks..

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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 05:06:33 PM »
Grab it from luke while he is still sleeeping I cannot see how RSP is weak but if you do not match up with it you dont. Keep pin even with or below ring on ssse it has built in length Luke so dont go pin happy with above the ring again.


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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2005, 07:01:06 AM »
I thought it would be stronger than my X, but maybe it was just a bad matchup.  Yes, it's for sale.  I'd take $70 shipped for it, OBO.  I'd reeeeaaally like to get a SSSE out of the deal though, lol.
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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2005, 07:01:16 AM »
And it's a 15 (sorry).
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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2005, 09:12:05 PM »
No offense Hammy, but with your wonderful, if always late, expert analysis, why can't you ever drill up a ball that does what you want?

BTW, since your X Factor works so well for you (sound like me and my Nighthawk M2's), why not just buy a couple and throw a few different surfaces and drill patterns on them?  I'm sure if you look you could find a few new ones.  Even if you pay too much, it would have to be cheaper than all of these failed experiments.  If not, get over not liking to throw plugged equipment.  A good majority of my honor scores have come with plugged balls.

Also, I have a NIB Silver Streak SE, and no, you can't have it.    I'll probably take it over early next week to have it drilled.  Leaning toward the pattern on my favorite M2.
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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2005, 09:25:54 PM »
Good price shipped on a SS SE here:
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Robb in O'Fallon, IL (near Scott AFB)
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Robb in O Fallon, IL 62269 (near Scott AFB)
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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2005, 09:41:10 AM »
Lol, Strider, I don't know.  I can drill stuff for other people and it works great for them.  My stuff is always hit or miss.  I thought I was playing this one smart.  Wanted the same reaction shape, so I figured a particle pearl with a lower rg would hook a few boards more, hook earlier and be smoother.  All I got was the smooth, lol.  A lot of it has been my fault in the past though, I haven't been throwing very decent shots for a long time, and I'm only just now starting to figure it out.  I have been thinking about trying to find another X actually, I'd just rather drill newer stuff.  Pro shop disease, it's terrible . .  

My X is my first out of the bag, I play down and in most of the time, and despite what White Trash boy says (my form isn't textbook, but not as bad as he's making it sound.  Imagine Mika with half the backswing and a little bit of a chicken wing, same ball roll, drop some speed and revs), my ball roll lately has been pretty good.  I'm still throwing a couple bad shots a game, but for the most part, I'm getting the ball to save energy, I'm projecting well, and getting out of it clean.  I'm just going to have to take some video Monday night . .  Just needs a stronger drilling (RSP), that's all.  Did I miss something in figuring that?  Did I forget to account for something?
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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2005, 09:41:55 AM »
I got a pm about my layout for hampster that is my opinion for Luke only if you are high rev or in a high friction center go pin high. I was talking only about this thread and what my ball does in a lower friction enviroment. Sorry the ball is strong but maybe Luke bowls on kegel infinity oil on synthetics like i do, so the RSP seems lazy when it is not with my drilling.


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Re: RSP for sale/trade
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2005, 11:04:19 AM »
I used to grab the ball at the bottom really bad, so I'd drill stuff to go longer.  I had my X drilled back when I had been throwing the ball well, and I wanted something weaker, because all I really had was stacked stuff.  Now I'm looking for a replacement . .  I bowl on Brunswick defense oil at a synthetic house, and I'm GUESSING the other house is Brunswick prodigy, and it's on Laneshield.  Synthetic house is medium volume, short pattern, long buff, Laneshield house is heavy volume, long pattern, but stronger backends.  The synthetic house is just weird, the backends are really slow and flat, and everybody has shots that will just slide forever at least a couple times a night.  Don't get it.  You're correct on the drilling though, not strong enough.
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