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Author Topic: RSX review in BTM  (Read 4918 times)


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RSX review in BTM
« on: May 20, 2005, 10:48:20 AM »
I got my issue of BTM today . I was really looking forward to getting this month's issue to see what their opinion was of this great piece of equipment. I must say I was disappointed. I feel like any ball with hit and carry like you get with the RSX deserves a better rating than this!!!!! This ball recovers better than anything I have ever thrown...

Roto Grip Rules!!!!!
Todd Loy



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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2005, 07:21:14 PM »
Me too.

The review indicates a ball barely more than the original Silver Streak.

BUT then, this issue also indicates the Storm Fired-Up (a resin pearl, with an average core) is stronger than Storm's Particle Pearl, the Ace, a very strong cover with a strong asymmetric core.

Makes me kind of wonder.

Oh, well, not every one else loves every ball we love and not every one else has problems with the balls we have problems with. And so it goes.
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2005, 07:46:46 PM »
I just started getting BTM, only have 3 mags of it so far. I'm just wondering, whats the highest a ball has gotten for a sport shot before? I've only saw a rating of 5 so far for sport.

Back to the RS-X it looks like a very good ball, had excellent rating on med, and desent ratings on hvy and light, it just wasn't strong in just one category, but overall got a very good rating.
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2005, 08:01:22 PM »
I just expected to see a better review for heavier oil... That's all.
Todd Loy


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2005, 08:38:24 PM »
I just started getting BTM, only have 3 mags of it so far. I'm just wondering, whats the highest a ball has gotten for a sport shot before? I've only saw a rating of 5 so far for sport.

Back to the RS-X it looks like a very good ball, had excellent rating on med, and desent ratings on hvy and light, it just wasn't strong in just one category, but overall got a very good rating.
Taking over the lanes with Mother Nature!

Storm Baby!

Their "Sport pattern" is drier than average; so, milder AND less flippy balls will score higher. The Ebonite Black Ice has gotten the highest scores on SPort that I have seen in BTM.

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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2005, 05:07:15 AM »
Although a lot of work goes into those reviews done by BTM and Bowlers Journal.  I wouldn't rely on them as guides.  You have to remember, they review over 200 balls a year.  I mean come on, what else can you say about all those bowling balls?  

Reviews on this site are far better tools.  They give you "bowlers" opinions.  People like you and me.  Not the same person...ball after ball after ball.  If I was a tester for a Mag like that, I would be bored after 4 months of releases.  

Anyways, the ball is great, they have just thrown so many different balls that they don't see greatness like we do.  I have to admit I get bummed reading those sometimes.  I just take it with a grain of salt...One man's opinion.  

Roger Noordhoek
Office Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.

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Roger Noordhoek
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2005, 08:55:09 PM »
Nothing against this ball, but how many balls with a 1500-grit polished finish actually perform well on heavy oil.


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2005, 05:42:15 AM »
Not sure what the fuss is about. I think we gave the RS-X pretty high marks. Nothing lower than a 5. Seemed to us a very versatile ball. We noted in the review that the cover leant itself to adjustments for more or less oil. I don't think Roto intended for this ball to be one that would hook in oil or they wouldn't have put 1500 polish on the factory finish and that is what our numberical ratings are based on. Sometimes bowlers confuse total hook with back end. This ball has a big back end and we noted that in the review. As for the remark about our reviews getting stale, we do review a lot of balls (104 last year), but we try our damndest to be objective and fair and give each ball a chance to shine. Many of our readers seem disappointed that we don't trash a ball once in a while, but honestly the ball companies do such a good job of screening out the boat anchors before they ever get to us or to the market, we haven't seen a boat anchor in quite a while. We don't normally reply to individual threads on bowling websites, but when we give a  ball a pretty good review and get negative feedback about it, we have to say something in our own defense.
Jim King


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2005, 05:44:14 AM »
Nothing against this ball, but how many balls with a 1500-grit polished finish actually perform well on heavy oil.

Zero. I'm sure he meant heavy oil in a relative sense for him personally.
Not even a hig load solid particle will perform on hevay oil in a polished state. That's why such balls as the Goliath, the Guarranteed, Yeah Baby, AMB Centaur Particle come dull, 320 - 400 grit.
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2005, 08:15:26 AM »
What is the BTM magazine? Is it something you have to subscribe to?
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2005, 11:52:35 AM »
Not sure what the fuss is about. I think we gave the RS-X pretty high marks. Nothing lower than a 5. Seemed to us a very versatile ball. We noted in the review that the cover leant itself to adjustments for more or less oil. I don't think Roto intended for this ball to be one that would hook in oil or they wouldn't have put 1500 polish on the factory finish and that is what our numberical ratings are based on. Sometimes bowlers confuse total hook with back end. This ball has a big back end and we noted that in the review. As for the remark about our reviews getting stale, we do review a lot of balls (104 last year), but we try our damndest to be objective and fair and give each ball a chance to shine. Many of our readers seem disappointed that we don't trash a ball once in a while, but honestly the ball companies do such a good job of screening out the boat anchors before they ever get to us or to the market, we haven't seen a boat anchor in quite a while. We don't normally reply to individual threads on bowling websites, but when we give a  ball a pretty good review and get negative feedback about it, we have to say something in our own defense.
Jim King

IronMan (Jim),

I for one think you are doing a pretty decent job overall, given the amount of effort that must go into a ball review. While I must admit to having gotten a little better feel for a BTM review when Mr. Summerville did the reviews, mostly from his words and descriptions, your involvement of 3 different styles on 3 different oil patterns was an excelent move and probably a logistical nightmare. Give credit where credit is due.

That said, there are times, like in this review when maybe expectations for a ball do not mesh with the actual numbers AND descriptions. That's life. Pefection cannot and is not expected, by any rational person (Or bowler ). I have said many times here that BTM reviews should not be taken in isolation but comparatively to previous reviews, but, again, not too far back, as the standard, the icon, is a constantly moving target, with new oils and new ball designs (covers AND cores).

So basically, I started this more as a "what the real story here?", not a "what's wrong with BTM now?" comment. It's a matter of is BTM's review the real RS-X , or is/are some of the incredible early 880s thrown with the RS-X the real story? Or what is the real story?

I guess, as with all balls, the real story for eash of us will be the utility we get from our own RS-X. Thanks for all the continuing hard work.
Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, in bowling you only have to get close ...
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2005, 11:59:09 AM »
What is the BTM magazine? Is it something you have to subscribe to?
Things to do at a bowling alley- Will continually update
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BTM is Bowling This Month, a hard copy monthly magazine for good bowlers wanting to get better. There are all sorts of good coaches AND, for the most part, good communicators writing articles every issue. It is probably the best bowling magazine for the bowler ever published, up to date. I don't know of any bowler in any league, bowling anywhere in the world, including EVERY PBA member, who cannot get something from this magazine. (Of course the PBA bowlers usually get it directly from one of these coaches ...)

My personal favorite writer/coaches are Rolf Gauer, Denny Torgerson, Bill Hall and Susie Minshew, in no particular order. Mo Pinel used to have a column in it also; I REALLY enjoyed his ideas.

Oh, they also publish ball reviews.

Here is their website, from which you can subscribe or ask for a free issue (if they still do that) in order to see what one is like:
Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, in bowling you only have to get close ...
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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2005, 01:44:50 AM »
The RS-X is very good ball,after to have drill 10 or more silver streak during last 3 year.I drill my first RS-X Friday and WOW.I can say which curve more(5 boards)and probably better.I wins my 35 titles in career this week-end with this ball
Henrik Tremblay
Roto-Grip International Staff
Vise Inserts Amateur Staff

Edited on 5/24/2005 1:37 AM
Henrik Tremblay
Storm Amateur Staff
Vise Amateur Staff


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2005, 06:46:18 AM »
I just got my BTM yesterday when I got home from work.......

Last night I was going thru it like always and came to the review section and quite frankly...I thought the RSX review was just like all their reviews.

I saw nothing "negative" ....NO, they didn't do back-flips over it either, but they rarely do.  Every now and then they'll us certain words or phrases about a certain ball, they did about the Fired Up and AMB Centaur Particle...something like:

 "if you want blah blah blah, then look no further than this ball...or this is as good as any of them"

But.....other than that, was a typical middle of the road review for a great mid-priced ball!  Nothing scathing, nothing tremendous....all in all, I think they liked it a lot....

Look what Jim King said below ...from TheIronman
I think we gave the RS-X pretty high marks. Nothing lower than a 5. Seemed to us a very versatile ball.

doesn't sound negative to me ?

This review actually made me think...with drill and could have 2 RSX's and 2 RS1's and cover 95% of everything you'll run into,..including tournaments.......for example:

RSX- pin below ring, cg kicked out 4x2 ish give or take, axis hole in the thumb quadrant, 600 smooth
RSX- pin up and over ring,.. cg kicked just a bit, say 5x3...hole on axis, box condition
RS1- pin 2 1/2" from pap, cg in the palm, 1000 compound
RS1- 2x2 hole on axis box condition

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Edited on 5/26/2005 6:45 AM


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2005, 07:34:58 AM »
Cool having Jim King come out and join this discussion.

Best part.

I had a Silver Streak and while a great ball, it didn't handle heavy oil as well as others.  So what!  It handled a broad range of mediums!


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