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Author Topic: RSX review in BTM  (Read 4921 times)


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RSX review in BTM
« on: May 20, 2005, 10:48:20 AM »
I got my issue of BTM today . I was really looking forward to getting this month's issue to see what their opinion was of this great piece of equipment. I must say I was disappointed. I feel like any ball with hit and carry like you get with the RSX deserves a better rating than this!!!!! This ball recovers better than anything I have ever thrown...

Roto Grip Rules!!!!!
Todd Loy



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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2005, 07:55:39 AM »
There is this.

No 880 but not a bad first day

There is this... only an 879

Hey that Henrik guy is pretty good!
BUt where is LOWVILLE NY?  (I know)

ANd then there is this:

Boy that Henrik can bowl... Put a silver streak anything in his hands or the rotary core and Boom....800!

I just want one!


And then there is this
Roto grip staffer... did he use the RS-X
As we called him in Florida... "DDDDDDD Terminator!"
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2005, 07:58:13 AM »
Bowlingmytmouse and myself had the chance to throw RS-X(basic label drill, pin 4 1/4 inch to his PAP, 5 to mine) the other day on a very heavily oiled house pattern(the dry is outside of 5 here, and inside they are flooding 60+ units).  

Between Bowlingmytmouse's slower speed and my high revrate and rotation, the RS-X was just enough ball inside the oil in OOB surface.  There is no way I would suggest this ball at any lower than 1500 or 2000 grit.  With the OOB polish and the heavy oil inside and in the track area, this motor and super aggressive cover(and boy is it aggressive), this thing started up suprisingly early and kept on coming back.  We couldn't believe it.  We then let fellow BR user TheSuperHitman, use it who comes more up the back of the ball at about 17mph speed and 400-420 rpms and he could not keep the ball right of the headpin, even with all of the excessive oil.

This is one ball you actually have to throw to believe how strong it is.  Numbers and specs are decieving.  And this ball was tested on a condition where the following balls skated forever in the oil and wouldn't make it around the corner(all at out of box finish):
-Track X-Ception
-Track Slash
-Track Rule
-Intense Inferno
-Retro Ressurection

RS-X made those balls looks silly in comparison when revving in the midlane and making it around the corner.

I think too much surface would be overkill unless your revrate is around 225 and under.  This ball is just enough for the heavier side of mediums in out of box condition and can be played direct in the real soup since it starts up so early(for those with revrates 325+).
Respect the Game

Edited on 5/26/2005 7:53 AM


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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2005, 09:19:48 AM »
First, BTM is head and shoulders above all other bowling magazines.  Great Job, Jim!

Reviews on this site are far better tools.

You're kidding, right?  "...hooks hard and hits like a truck!  BUY THIS BALL!"

Since every bowler is different and every house has one or more different oil patterns, the reviews in BTM can only give you general characteristics of the may not do the same for you/your house.

throw in the many different ways to drill a ball and you do find that you're taking a chance with every ball you buy.  part of the game.

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Re: RSX review in BTM
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2005, 09:58:23 PM »
I just started getting BTM, only have 3 mags of it so far. I'm just wondering, whats the highest a ball has gotten for a sport shot before? I've only saw a rating of 5 so far for sport.

sport rating have only been around since 2/04

azo tactics reactive 8/7/8
col300 flipside alter ego 9/8/8
hammer big blue pearl 8/8/8
hammer big block diesel 8/7/8
storm triple xfactor 9/8/6
storm razor wire 7/8/8
track crash 8/7/8.5

as of nov 23.2004(last time i got an updated btm excel spreadsheet)
I have a problem..i'm a fluffer
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F.O.S. Member....Proof

Edited on 6/5/2005 9:50 PM

Edited on 6/5/2005 9:51 PM

Edited on 6/5/2005 9:52 PM