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Author Topic: Rush-One Game Thoughts....  (Read 1604 times)


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Rush-One Game Thoughts....
« on: April 05, 2004, 03:59:36 PM »
Please note my title....ONE game

Picked up my Rush yesterday......4x3, box, xhole just below pap. Thrown on a fresh house shot with big backends (king of the mill says you can get ANYTHING to hook BIG on this condition.....he's right!)

Oh yeah, first experiment without grips....I like it.....I think I'm getting out of the ball cleaner....wierd? Ehh, I'll post another topic on that one revs up nice and quick! For a resin ball, reads the mids nicely, starts to lean, and hits the spot pretty hard!  People have reported this to be a smooth ball,....I agree, and acring, I agree, however, on the condition "yesterday" it was 'hard-arcing' because of the big dry backs.

This is going to be a nice ball for wet/drys', sport shots, medium fresh, medium heavy fresh.

What I really liked was the continuation and like Bob Hykla pointed out looks like it accelerates at the spot!

More to come.........
Better....much better!

Edited on 4/6/2004 8:04 AM



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Re: Rush-One Game Thoughts....
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2004, 08:28:58 AM »
UPDATE: 3 more additional games.......GRIPLESS ball too....I like it !
League last night,....Wetter fronts , AMF synthetics, pretty aggressive backs, but nothing like when I threw game 1 with this ball,....right KOTM ? Anyhow.......

The last 2 weeks at this house has been a different shot, heavier in front and the backs aren't AS aggressive,...almost more playable. ( shot before was Screamin' owner....)  This allows you to utilize the line you had before but also can allow you to play a little more direct as well, if needed, i.e; 1-2 boards right starting point......

I used my Animal the last 2 weeks here, but had the Rush out during practice before the 'official' practice started, and I was able to play slightly more direct w/ better carry with the Rush....I think it was the resin difference,...went just a touch longer with that looping hard arc instead of the more hook-settish drive of the Animal....anyhow, ...I went with the Rush...

Aside from operator error (God help me I suck!)...this ball revs up REAL fast, and reads the mids nice like a low RG ball does, but doesn't 'stand-up' immediately.....and again,..Bob Hykla nailed this...this ball accelerates at the spot, like it's going downhill! Keeps the pins very low,....I liked the carry.....very few 10 pin leaves also....NEVER a bad thing when this Bozo is on the lanes!  I'd describe this shape as a loopy-hard arc, definately not skid/flip , smoother than hockey stick, but not banana.....did that make sense?!?!

What I liked as well is that as soon as I threw it, I know exactly what it's going to do!  Very readable!  Could very easily imagine having 2 of these, and doing one in a 3x2 layout for control/sport shots, or tight or squirrely lanes!

More to far, very nice ! Thanks Roger and Hank !
Better....much better!

Edited on 4/7/2004 8:45 AM


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Re: Rush-One Game Thoughts....
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2004, 09:08:04 AM »
That's what I'm seeing too, Jeff!!  I've never seen a ball rev up like the Rush -- pretty cool!!  And it just continues all the way through the rack....Had some guys come by the ball return at league last week checking it out....Made me feel like the guy with the cool car!  Couldn't use it that night as I was sick and my arm was shot from bowling the night before.  I think the heads/lanes may have been a little more fried than usual because the Rush rolled out on the few shots I did try with it.  


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Re: Rush-One Game Thoughts....
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2004, 11:19:25 AM »
Bob,..I never swing too much....playing tighter than last week cuz I could!

JeffRoto, RotoJeff, ....whatever!
Better....much better!

Edited on 4/7/2004 11:12 AM


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Re: Rush-One Game Thoughts....
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2004, 11:31:12 PM »

Rolled my Rush tonight for the first game of league.  They must have put down a long pattern as my X-Factor couldn't make it back to the pocket.  The Rush was the perfect ball standing 20 and swinging it out to the second arrow.  Real strong through the pocket -- maybe a little too strong as I left 3 8s and, because I just SUCK , I missed 2 of them.  After the first game, I couldn't keep it on the right side so I went back to the X-Factor.  I'm thinking about joining a summer league that will rotate through the A-E PBA patterns and I think the Rush will be my go to ball...


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Re: Rush-One Game Thoughts....
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2004, 07:06:30 AM »
threw mine again on Tuesday night ....just giving me a better ovarall, smoother read!  Hard to explain this's strong, but it's smooth, it's almost sneaky!  As soon as you throw it, know EXACTLY what it's going to do ! No suprises!

It's what I like to call a continuous banana shape !lol...
Better....much better!