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Author Topic: Saturn Cover Adjustment  (Read 1049 times)


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Saturn Cover Adjustment
« on: December 15, 2006, 01:54:00 AM »
Hey All,

I have been using my Saturn for the last couple of weeks and I have a problem. I have been getting a very bad over/under reaction with it in box condition. I am currently throwing nothumb due to surgery on my thumb. (So no comments on that) I might be able to start using my thumb again in a couple of weeks. Right now I have a 15lb Tsunami and Super Carbide drilled pin below and right of ring with the cg kicked a bit left. Tsunami has the mb 1" below and 2" right of the thumb. My Saturn is 14lbs and I had drilled for nothumb, Pin ~2" right of the ring finger with the cg kicked towards the span center. It also has a small weight hole 3" above the PAP on the VAL to get legal weights. I have thumb holes in all of them and use my thumb for right side spares.

My stats nothumb are: Speed: 16mph at the pins, Revs: above average ~275-300, Tilt: 10°, Rotation: 45-60°, Lanes: Medium to Med-Heavy in the middle dry outside clean backends ~40' pattern.

The Tsunami is a little weaker in comparison to the Saturn and of course the Super Carbide is stronger. But the Saturn seems to over react to the dry wall we have outside of the 5 board and also seems to break left if I try to keep it in the oil longer when it hits the end of the pattern. I was wondering which way to adjust the cover to smooth out the reaction a bit. Most of the time I get good length out of it unless I hit the wall at say 40'. I really have a hard time keeping it under control. Should I take it down to 600 grit or should I polish it up? Since it is already at 800 grit I am not sure what to do.

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***Super Carbide***
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Re: Saturn Cover Adjustment
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 10:11:38 AM »
The Saturn, for me, was simply too much ball for anything on the lighter side condition. I did have some success, taking the ball to abralon 4000 with no polish or 4000 with polish (stored a bit too much energy). The ball seems to do well on a solid medium condition or slightly on the heavier side of the condition spectrum.

Sadly, the ball developed a crack near the thumbhole, and Roto Grip gladly replaced the ball.  I then traded the ball, and bought the Venus model.  I couldn't be happier with the reaction I'm getting from the Venus.

For me, the solid sure grip II cover seemed to be just too much ball for any sort of THS medium to light.  Abralon 4000 with no polish gave me the best look, but the ball would move a ton on the backend. Incredible value, though.

First off put some polish on the ball (almost required).  Then I would gradually take the ball up to 2000 abralon trying both 2000 no polish and 2000 polish. If those surface adjustments don't work, then on to the 4000.  

Edited on 12/15/2006 11:21 AM

**update**:  I had a question.  Does the ball reaction appear like your getting good early mid-lane response (aka-solid coverstock) or is it sliding through the heads, not even getting a good mid-lane read, and storing too much energy?  (I might have mis-interpeted your ball reaction)  
In that case, I would dull the ball to a lower grit. On the otherhand, I always had too much early mid-lane read on this ball + the big backend.  I re-read your post.  Kinda sounds like you should be taking the grit down. (I would definitely do some experimentation, nothing is set in stone)
Good luck!

My problem with this ball was too early of mid-lane, even with polish.  Feel free to PM me.  I tried every conceivable cover adjustment in the aprox half year I owned this strong SOLID sure grip II stock. For a high RG ball the coverstock on this baby is industrial strength Strong.

Edited on 12/15/2006 3:07 PM


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Re: Saturn Cover Adjustment
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 10:39:19 AM »
Hey All,

...My Saturn is 14lbs and I had drilled for nothumb, Pin ~2" right of the ring finger with the cg kicked towards the span center. It also has a small weight hole 3" above the PAP on the VAL to get legal weights. I have thumb holes in all of them and use my thumb for right side spares.

It's good that it's a small weight hole, because, don't forget that weight holes above or inside the PAP reduce the flare potential created by the pin positionand the bowler's rev rate. The small weight hole probably reduced it less than a larger hole, but it probably still reduced it. (There isn't a whole lot of flare potential to begin with anyway.)


My stats nothumb are: Speed: 16mph at the pins, Revs: above average ~275-300, Tilt: 10°, Rotation: 45-60°, Lanes: Medium to Med-Heavy in the middle dry outside clean backends ~40' pattern.

The Tsunami is a little weaker in comparison to the Saturn and of course the Super Carbide is stronger. But the Saturn seems to over react to the dry wall we have outside of the 5 board and also seems to break left if I try to keep it in the oil longer when it hits the end of the pattern. I was wondering which way to adjust the cover to smooth out the reaction a bit. Most of the time I get good length out of it unless I hit the wall at say 40'. I really have a hard time keeping it under control. Should I take it down to 600 grit or should I polish it up? Since it is already at 800 grit I am not sure what to do.


I don't see anything special in what you say here; so I'd suggest taking it down to 600 grit.
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Re: Saturn Cover Adjustment
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2006, 10:48:05 AM »
Sorry , forgot to add my PAP. It is approximately 5.5-5.75> and .5-.75"v. I track over my middle finger and about 3/4" away from my thumb. The reason I was asking on cover grit is because sometimes the polish will mellow out the backend but other times it will make it more angular. I have never had to take a ball down below 600 grit except to combat a soup (V2 sanded) and didn't know how it would react in this case. The Saturn as is ignores the oil in the middle for me. So it is saving a lot of energy. It is also about 5' longer than my Tsunami and I have to stand 2-3 boards farther left with the Saturn. They make a good pair for different looks on the same lane.
That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

Member of the F.O.S.
***Super Carbide***
That which does not kill us strengthens us.

So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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