The Saturn, for me, was simply too much ball for anything on the lighter side condition. I did have some success, taking the ball to abralon 4000 with no polish or 4000 with polish (stored a bit too much energy). The ball seems to do well on a solid medium condition or slightly on the heavier side of the condition spectrum.
Sadly, the ball developed a crack near the thumbhole, and Roto Grip gladly replaced the ball. I then traded the ball, and bought the Venus model. I couldn't be happier with the reaction I'm getting from the Venus.
For me, the solid sure grip II cover seemed to be just too much ball for any sort of THS medium to light. Abralon 4000 with no polish gave me the best look, but the ball would move a ton on the backend. Incredible value, though.
First off put some polish on the ball (almost required). Then I would gradually take the ball up to 2000 abralon trying both 2000 no polish and 2000 polish. If those surface adjustments don't work, then on to the 4000.
Edited on 12/15/2006 11:21 AM
**update**: I had a question. Does the ball reaction appear like your getting good early mid-lane response (aka-solid coverstock) or is it sliding through the heads, not even getting a good mid-lane read, and storing too much energy? (I might have mis-interpeted your ball reaction)
In that case, I would dull the ball to a lower grit. On the otherhand, I always had too much early mid-lane read on this ball + the big backend. I re-read your post. Kinda sounds like you should be taking the grit down. (I would definitely do some experimentation, nothing is set in stone)
Good luck!
My problem with this ball was too early of mid-lane, even with polish. Feel free to PM me. I tried every conceivable cover adjustment in the aprox half year I owned this strong SOLID sure grip II stock. For a high RG ball the coverstock on this baby is industrial strength Strong.

Edited on 12/15/2006 3:07 PM