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Author Topic: Saturn coverstock question  (Read 994 times)


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Saturn coverstock question
« on: August 11, 2006, 11:16:21 AM »
A friend of mine just bought a new saturn ( on my reccommendation ), but after he got it drilled, the guy at the shop said that the cover on the saturn "dies out" pretty fast.

  I've never heard this about any roto-grip ball, but my friend is worried now that he has bought a bad ball that is going to die on him.  Anybody else heard this or had any good/bad experiences they would share?
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Albert Einstein

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Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Saturn coverstock question
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 07:17:33 PM »
Never heard that, but it is bad news for your friend.  Anytime you walk into something with a bad mindset you're already defeated.

First time the ball doesn't make a move like he thought it should..he's going to think it died...way to go pro shop guy lol.
Columbia 300 Beast (Baby Blue Urethane)


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Re: Saturn coverstock question
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 07:41:18 PM »
Just the opposite, it gets stronger........given time.
if the bowler throws any kind of ball at all, you will need polish or abralon pads in the neighborhood of 2000-4000 depending the condition that one would like to align the ball with; out of box condition- it generally moves quite a bit in medium oil. This is one strong cover; smells of it! IMHO, this ball will need TLC surface adjustments on any of the medium lighter type conditions, if one is to be successful with the ball. Unbelievable value.

http://Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @

Edited on 8/12/2006 9:58 AM


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Re: Saturn coverstock question
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 07:54:35 PM »
Yet another Roto hater!! There has not been a roto piece that I have owned that has even showed a glimmer of ball death. I am sure that shop owner probabally thinks that ebonite's coverstocks last forever. Suuuurrreeee.
Tell your friend not to worry. A lot of people talk bad about Roto Grip because they aren't as big as lets say brunswick or ebonite. I had guy tell me once that the Apocalypse was a good ball to go up the boards!!!! I have yet to roll it on a condition that allow me to play up the boards.
All in all, the Saturn's cover is great. I know a guy who throws his all of the time and it has yet to lose any pop off the reaction.

Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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