I do. It has it's good points and bad points. Good points include looks, plenty of pockets, three wheels, handle retracts to allow easy access to top of bag. Minuses are, in my opinion, it seems that the handle is a little "flimsy" compared to my 4 ball Track bag but it does have a 5 year warranty. It just doesn't seem quite as solid as the Track bag. Second small problem is the bag is lower then most other four baggers and I'm tall meaning it sometimes hits me in the heel when I'm pulling it. Other than that no problems at all. The small height does mean it fits easly in the trunk of any car with room for two two-ball totes if you need that many bowling balls. It's a good bag and it's one that I believe will last beyond the warranty easily. And it does look sweet with the Epic and Epic Battle in the top compartment!