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Author Topic: Saturn versatility  (Read 1146 times)


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Saturn versatility
« on: May 13, 2006, 04:21:38 AM »
I've posted my opinions on the Saturn before but after drilling up another one for the singles and doubles squad of nationals this year I must say that I am even more impressed.  I was considering polishing my first Saturn ( but I was a little apprehensive thinking that a five inch pin would be way too weak.  After shooting 300 in practice on a fairly dry shot my mind was made up to get a new one and all I can say is I'm ecstatic I did.  

We layed this new one to get through the heads but roll a little bit stronger ( to combat the polished cover and does it ever.  I have to say that the Saturn in the strongest "weak" ball I've ever had.  Between a Slay/R, Blue Hot and Saturn I've never had anything crush the hole like my new Saturn. On a THS my original 'TURN was 9-10 boards stronger than this new one.  It required moving from 12 on the lane to about 5 to get to the hole with this new polished Saturn but once I did this ball was a beast through the pin deck.  The center had fairly clean back ends so I think with the carrydown I've heard about at nationals I may have to hit the backflares with white or grey pads but my worries about having a ball to get down the lane in Corpus are over. A side by side comparison:

Overall this ball is one of the most versatile I have ever thrown and for the price I would classify it as a "must buy" for any Rotogrip fan.  Thanks to Rog and Cutting Edge Pro Shop in Roy UT for another great piece of equipment that fills exactly the spot I needed it to.
Be a good Irish boys

Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a recovering Brunswick user.  Thanks Rotogrip!

-"That Kangaroo stole my ball"

-"It's like a tire fire, trying to put it out only makes it worse.  You've just gotta let it burn... grab a beer and let it burn.'



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Re: Saturn versatility
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 08:03:46 PM »
Yeah, the new bags are hot like lava.
Be a good Irish boys

Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a recovering Brunswick user.  Thanks Rotogrip!

-"That Kangaroo stole my ball"

-"It's like a tire fire, trying to put it out only makes it worse.  You've just gotta let it burn... grab a beer and let it burn.'