I haven't posted any info because I've been trying to find the right surface matchup. I tried it box and it was too strong. Even with the 5.5" pin, it still read the fronts and mids too quickly forcing me left too quickly. So I tried 2000grit and this was much better but still too much midlane. Carry was an issue although getting to the pocket was easier. Man is this ball strong. Surfaces in this area just aren't strong enough to use a ball this strong for any length of time. Definitely stronger than a box Horizon Solid which is 800. So finally I decided to hit it with 1000grit Abralon and polish. Now this ball has come to life.
Great push but the recovery and read is very strong for a polished ball. Not a flip but a nice strong arc/flip that seems to give me unlimited right. With the high flare, but delayed till the last 30 or so feet, I'm able to feed the this ball left to right and have the angle downlane. It's about 4-5 boards stronger than a Horizon Solid with identical surface and the Horizon has the pin at 4.5" from the axis. Flare points and migration is drastically different on the two balls. The Horizon flares very quickly in the first 15ft whereby the SD-73 is very strong in the last 20. The SD-73 is definitely less affected by carrydown because of it's higher flare.
I know several people were hesitant when the SD-73 was announced because of the strength of the ball. However, flare strength and cover can be easily modified to handle different volumes. I wasn't able to use this ball more than a game. Polished, the reaction is so good because I haven't lost the midlane strength that sometimes happens when you polish a solid. First night after polishing???....well let's just say that I need to pick a bikini for my cruise I'm going to win with my honor score

(244, 299, 278 - 821). Assuming I'm eligible of course.
Anthony Chapman
Roto Staff 2007Videos coming soon...As soon as my son can hold the camera