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Author Topic: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series  (Read 1834 times)


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SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« on: January 04, 2007, 01:46:19 PM »
181-259-201=641.  Ball was surprisingly easy to get through the heads, yet vacuumed more than its share of oil off the lane.  The seperation of the flare rings was incredible.  When it decided to turn the corner nothing could stop it.  Sometimes, thats not a great thing.  Left a 4-6-7-10 and greek church in the same night.  Have not seen this in such a long time as getting the equipment I had back to the pocket was a chore...much less diving through the nose.

  Carry with the ball was on par with the Epic Battle, but a good 5 boards stronger than the Battle.  With enough practice I think this ball turns out to be a winner.  Will I shoot an honor score to be entered for a crusie....well, maybe with enough trust.

P.S.  Make a mental note...if you buy this ball, and you decide to miss the mark you are aiming at...miss to your right (left for a lefty).  Missing inside your mark...well you don't wanna do that.

Edited on 1/5/2007 5:15 PM


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 05:51:39 PM »
Who could possibly need that much ball?  I have heard it flares over 9".  That's just CRAZY!
All Hammer, All The Time...except when I'm throwing the Super Beast


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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2007, 01:40:06 PM »
I drilled mine and RotoDave's up this past saturday in preperation for a "long Oil" tournament the following day, so we were both obviously very much looking forward to finishing 1st and second on this pretty much "purpose build for the ball" pattern... but the pattern ended up not being very long at all or heavy

I threw one ball, in practise, and didnt get much on the ball.... it started grippin in the midlane but still made it out to about 5 board... and then it went left and "skimmed" the left hand side of the headpin...

I really cant wait to try it oon oil

So far, this looks stronger than the battle... So much so its scary :|



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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2007, 04:34:57 PM »
ok... just a few hours after my last post.. i got to try this ball out...

Was just the league pattern, but seemed heavier than yesterday... still not quite enough for this ball though..  However, I played most of one game with it, and was astounded... after my first shot, setting down around board 38, and throwing to about the 3 board, and tearing the pocked to shreads, a guy on the next lane said "What the F&*K was that?!"

Truly astonishing...

Hope to add more soon!



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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2007, 09:34:31 PM »
Followed up my 641 with a 194-212-236=642 tonight.  Same basic comments I made last week would apply.  I made 2 mistakes to the inside part of the lane and paid both times with the 4-10 split (missed both times).  Ball is extremely forgiving if you get it to the outside part of the lane...closer to the channel the batter.  It's not however very forgiving to the inside part of the lane.  Over the last 2 weeks, four small mistakes to the inside part of the lane...4 splits.

   Recovery on this ball is impressing even me...and I'm difficult to please.  One comment on the marks and scratches VERY easily.  A total of 6 league games and 2 practice games and it looks like its 50 games old already ??  Cover is probably so soft if you look at it wrong another scratch, ding, nick appears ??

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2007, 12:55:32 PM »
This ball looks pretty hot.  9" of flare? Is that good?  Wouldn't that flare over all of your holes?

Lane 1 baby.  Lane 1 baby.  Lane 1 is on the rise and here we come baby!


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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2007, 08:00:51 AM »
I think there was a 2" are of my ball between the flare lines from opposite directions... scary! :|



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Re: SD-73 CLASSIC...First series
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2007, 12:21:53 PM »
2"-2 1/2" Looks about right.  I can however throw this ball flat enough by "breaking" my arm backward in an attempt to throw a "backup ball" at the 10 pin.  Ball still has the flare rings visible, but they are right over the thumbhole and very tight together.  So far made 6 of the 7 10 pins I have had the opportunity to shoot at.