Here's why I think they're not big.......because they aren't big ?? get it ?

Really though.....it's because they're small....and they put their money where their mouth is.....product!! They don't go crazy on marketing...but focus on what's important....taking care of "joe bowler" ....which quite frankly is 99.9% of the people on this site!
So....if you're not big and don't go crazy advertising...people won't pay attention....they'll pay attention to the BIG companies...or bigger companies...
Lane1 being the exception ....but you don't see a ton of those either....
but.....I saw 2 guys with a Top Fuel last year.....and a Sonic X Solid...but that's it....people look at the stuff on the rack from me and say...WHO??

So far this year....I'm the man w/ the Roto stuff in our house.....there my be some....I just haven't seen it yet...
So...I just think it's "the squeaky wheel getting the grease" syndrome....it's the same really for Visionary....MoRich.....all the smaller companies...they just aren't THAT popular...>GREAT STUFF....just not popular......
Don't change a thing Hank / Roger ..... those who know.....HAVE THE ADVANTAGE!!

As far as I'm concerned.....I like it this way....I don't think they should change a thing !!
JEFFI think I'm finally starting to catch on.....