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Author Topic: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?  (Read 4239 times)


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See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« on: October 28, 2004, 11:04:49 PM »
The house I bowl in and maybe my whole area just don't seem to use Roto-Grip stuff.  In my league, one guy has a Sonic X and another guy has an old Bandit II.  I have my Apoc (thanks Jeff!!), Blue, Rush and Sonic X to get us up to 6 balls in the house.  I saw another guy with an Oracle and a Top Fuel at my driller yesterday, but that's really about it.  A sub on my team says he can't get the Roto stuff to hook -- this guy throws the ball about 25mph with a ton of revs using a down and in shot.  Don't know what he's tried, but it couldn't have been their higher end stuff.  Other than that, I have never heard anything but great comments about Roto-Grip.  Wonder why they haven't caught on here in York?



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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2004, 07:21:19 AM »
I'm the only person in my area that has a Roto-Grip.  The local proshop doesn't even carry any.  When I shot 300 with my Sonic Boom this week, a lot of people came up and asked what ball I was using.   Most of them hadn't even heard of Roto-Grip and a couple of people even asked if it was a new company.  I've always liked their equipment w/ the Sonic Boom & Sonic X being my favorites.
...Bowling is my winter job while Golf is my summer passion...



Edited on 10/29/2004 7:21 AM


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2004, 10:08:04 AM »
Here's why I think they're not big.......because they aren't big ?? get it ?

Really's because they're small....and they put their money where their mouth is.....product!!  They don't go crazy on marketing...but focus on what's important....taking care of "joe bowler" ....which quite frankly is  99.9% of the people on this site!

So....if you're not big and don't go crazy advertising...people won't pay attention....they'll pay attention to the BIG companies...or bigger companies...
Lane1 being the exception ....but you don't see a ton of those either....

but.....I saw 2 guys with a Top Fuel last year.....and a Sonic X Solid...but that's it....people look at the stuff on the rack from me and say...WHO??

So far this year....I'm the man w/ the Roto stuff in our house.....there my be some....I just haven't seen it yet...

So...I just think it's "the squeaky wheel getting the grease"'s the same really for Visionary....MoRich.....all the smaller companies...they just aren't THAT popular...>GREAT STUFF....just not popular......

Don't change a thing Hank / Roger ..... those who know.....HAVE THE ADVANTAGE!!

As far as I'm concerned.....I like it this way....I don't think they should change a thing !!
I think I'm finally starting to catch on.....


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2004, 10:22:34 AM »
Roto-Grip is huge in the MD/DC/VA area.  I'd say right behind Brunswick and Track in the area.


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2004, 10:40:52 AM »
Great topic, just myself and one other guy on a different night at my regular house throw RG and a different house where I sub nobody but me from what I've seen throws RG.  Personally I love it when I am the only one throwing this line of equipment I currently have the Apoc, SS Pearl and the Sonic Boom and my center just purchased a Kegel oil machine which has cut down the use my RG equipment gets until the lanes dry out a bit, but once they do look out here comes my SS Pearl(surface issues with the Apoc) and the next thing you know someone is asking me "Hey Slick who makes that ball" or "What kind of ball is that" I'm sure you guys have definitely heard those statements before.

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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2004, 10:44:20 AM »
I don't see much RG around here, except for one of my old teammates.  So far, I've seen him throw the silver streak, top fuel, retro blue, retro resurrection, sonic pearl, and the apocalypse.  I like what I've seen from his stuff, but other than a few random SSP's, there isn't much RG stuff around me.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2004, 11:12:37 AM »
No others that I am aware of.  I asked the guy who owns/runs the pro shop and he said mine is all he ever sees!  I throw the Rush and carry the two ball RG bag, and I appear to be the only one repping the Grip in the house!  I want to get more and throw but $$ aren't working with me right now!

I did have them asking about it last night, I had a great look with it and made it look real good compared to what they were throwing!

I have used alot of bowling balls from many different companies in the last few years and RG seems to have a very good range of equipment right now, it is very posible to make a nice arsenal using just thier equipment, IMHO that is.

I just learned about them from this site, gave them a try and now I would like to try more!


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2004, 12:11:07 PM »
So...I just think it's "the squeaky wheel getting the grease"'s the same really for Visionary....MoRich.....all the smaller companies...they just aren't THAT popular...>GREAT STUFF....just not popular......

Don't change a thing Hank / Roger ..... those who know.....HAVE THE ADVANTAGE!!

As far as I'm concerned.....I like it this way....I don't think they should change a thing !!
Trust me  -- no complaints here!!  Roger's has been way more than helpful to a peon with moronic questions like me!!  For whatever reason, Roto-Grip just called out to me when I got back into bowling -- just seems to fit my style.  In my area, I see tons of Columbia, Ebonite, Storm and a whole lot of OLD Hammers.  Someone seems to be pushing Track and Morich because I see more than my fair share of Phenom Unleashed's, Animals, Onslaughts, etc.  

At the proshop I frequent, when someone comes in looking for a new ball that hooks like crazy, they always seem to recommend a Storm ball first then on down the line, but never recommend RG -- they never mentioned them to me until I started asking about the Sonic X.  I'd been thinking about getting an Apocalypse from the time Tommy DeLutz used his against Pete back in like February -- when I took mine in last week, I think it was the first one they'd worked on!!  I just like to see good companies get their props!!


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2004, 12:26:19 PM »
Nobody in our center has one. And I strongly doubt the neighboring centers have either as I haven't even noticed any in the pro-shops. I was at the trade show in Atlantic City this past week and Roto-Grip had a very small booth (so did Storm for that matter) and it wasn't manned most of the time.

Ernie McCracken

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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2004, 12:26:54 PM »
I've seen 2 Roto Grips in the area and, even though I'm a Track man, they look like nice pieces of equipment.
Evolutionary.  Revolutionary.


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2004, 12:31:09 PM »
And for the most part in my area most of what you are going to see is, C300, the big B, and Ebonite!  Not to many that are willing to try something a little different?!?!?

Bernard Byars Jr

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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2004, 10:20:26 PM »
I too don't see alot of RotoGrip equipment here in Omaha,NE. I think that I'm probably the only person in my home town that throws RotoGrip here, but I did see someone throw a Top Fuel last year. I do tend to see alot of Brunswick, Columbia, Track and Storm products here. I really love RotoGrip in fact my whole arsenal is nothing but RotoGrip and when people come up to me and say "what are you currently throwing I tell them RotoGrip and they just kind of frown a bit, but I think that it's just because they never really looked into RotoGrips product line. Currently I'm throwing an (Oracle, RS-1, and the Super Sonic) but in my opinion I think that RotoGrip has "THE" best balls out.


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2004, 06:55:09 AM »
There are some in the house that I bowl in but mainly it's Storm and Brunswick with some Columbia stuff.
 The three high average bowlers in our league are using Brunswick for the THS and two of them have Granite Gargoyles that they picked up at Nationals for oil play.


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2004, 07:34:29 AM »
Actually in the Akron area Roto's are really popular. One of the better proshops in town used to be partner with Hank in the proshop business. He sells quite a few of them.


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Re: See a lot of Roto-Grip in your area?
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2004, 07:53:01 AM »
I see plenty of Roto-Grip stuff.. but that is because I bowl in a Scrtch Trio league that has a team with Storm/Roto-Grip employees bowling in it.  Of course, living only 30 miles from the plant where the balls are manufactured has a lot to do with it.  lol...   Good Ole Utah!!!