To the many Roto Grip fans out there, let me ask a question.
Currently I have 2 Cells, one drilled very strong (Pin under, about 25 deg), and taken down to 500 Abralon. Used this to start team at Nationals, for some PBA regionals on the heavier patterns. The second one is drilled pin up, about 5" from PAP, OOB finish and gives me a nice step down from the first Cell. My question is would the Grand Illusion fit under this second Cell or would it be too much of an overlap? I would look to drill it pretty medium, 4-4.5 pin-to-pap, pin even or slightly up, maybe a 75 or 80 degree angle. I don't want to put a longer drill on it with my ball speed as I am afraid it would go too long then. Thanks to all for your help.