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Author Topic: Should I alter the cover or buy new?  (Read 816 times)


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Should I alter the cover or buy new?
« on: November 02, 2005, 07:13:00 AM »
After taking last year off & am rebuilding my arsenal. I purchased an Epic drilled what I believe to be “D” on Rotogrip’s drill chart (I am not a drill guru but In any case, a strong drill). I love this ball. The only problem is that I bowl on a THS that burns up quickly. My normal line is about fifteen out to about seven in the first game and gradually moving everything in as the night goes on. By the third game however the lanes are such that I have move in deep enough to get but oil my carry percentage drops. My thoughts are to polish this ball to get it to go down the lane a little more or purchase another ball to compliment it. I was considering an RSX drilled a little less aggressive. I am struggling with altering the cover of this ball due to my get success in the early part of each set. I am averaging 253 in my first two games with this ball and 206 in my third (only nine games however). I am in the Tweener category with a ball speed of 17 mph & 15 revs. Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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Re: Should I alter the cover or buy new?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 03:25:13 PM »
I would get another ball, changing the surface may cause you to struggle in the first game.
However I don't feel that the RSX is a big enough step down if you are having to move that far inside.
The RS1 or Ultra Sonic would be a better choice in my opinion.
The RS1 would be better from more inside angles when compared to the Ultra and vise versa.
Don't be fooled by the Ultra it is quite a bit stronger than advertised and is priced right to boot.
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