Not production problems, just unusually high demand for stuff at this time of the year. 4 new balls at the same time is a pretty big undertaking all at the same time during the regular season, but Roto has done this every July for a few years now and it hasn't been an issue because league season is still a month away. The Code Red has been a big seller, there were thousands of Marvel Pearls made in that special batch, and buzz was big and well deserved around these releases considering what Roto has done the last couple years. It's not normal for the plant to be running full tilt in the middle of summer and not be able to keep up. Again, people say it's a good problem to have, but it's kinda not when something like this has to happen. It was the right decision though, and with it being urethane in that price point especially, it's likely not to be as big of a seller as the others, so that's probably why it was the one that was delayed.
Wow missing the start of league season is big. Hopefully it is simply a demand issue and not production problems. Hate to see when a ball maker goes out on a limb to give us something at least semi new (as opposed to constant rehashes) and gets punished for it. Still thanks for the update and look forward to the vid and the ball.